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Global Inspiration GyeongGi-Do


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Gyeonggi’s new symbol represents the ambition, fortitude and resolution of
the province to emerge as a leader in a prosperous world.

The Symbol Of Gyeonggi-do

global inspiration GyeongGi-Do
English global inspiration GyeongGi-Do

Logo of Gyeonggi-do

The logo of Gyeonggi-do is made up of Gyeonggi-do’s initials in Korean: ㄱ, ㄱ, ㄷ
The top strokes in the initials “ㄱ, ㄱ, ㄷ” create a horizontal green line that expresses Gyeonggi-do’s pursuit of a straight path for the creation of a better future in solidarity with its residents.
The harmonious balance of horizontal and upward strokes embodies the flexible-yet-upright image of Gyeonggi-do.
The “ㄱ” on the very left stands for “Gyeong (경)” with the bottom upward stroke expressing Gyeonggi-do’s future growth in accordance with upright values.
The “ㄱ” in the middle stands for “gi (기)” with the bottom upward stroke expressing Gyeonggi-do’s aspiration to create opportunities for the realization of a better future.
The “ㄷ” on the very right stands for “do (도),” or “province” in Korean, with the lower horizontal stroke representing the co-existence of diverse individuals within Gyeonggi-do.

Slogan of Gyeonggi-do

“GO GREAT, GYEONGGI” not only enhances Gyeonggi-do’s status as a representative local autonomy of Korea, but also defines its aspiration to prosper and build a better future in solidarity with its residents.
The slogan of Gyeonggi-do combines the English letter “G” with the Korean initial “ㄱ” so as to clearly express the identity of Gyeonggi-do.
The “ㄱ” within the “G” is written in a slanted form for design purposes with the green and blue coloring of the “G” effectively conveying Gyeonggi-do’s initiatives for the future direction through the mixture of colors.
The Italic format is used to capture the image of Gyeonggi-do as it boldly advances into the future.

Colors of Gyeonggi-do

Gyeonggi Blue : Represents trust, energy and future values
Gyeonggi Green : Represents nature, co-existence, eco-friendliness, and peace

Flower of Gyeonggi-do
Flower of Gyeonggi-do

A great number of forsythia grow in the area of Gyeonggi-do and they easily multiply.
They symbolize prosperity as well as friendliness, gaiety and grace.

Bird of Gyeonggi-do
Bird of Gyeonggi-do

As the dove symbolizes peace worldwide, it also represents the aspirations of provincial residents for peace and their hopes for the peaceful unification of Korea.

Tree of Gyeonggi-do
Tree of Gyeonggi-do

A gingko tree endures hardship and has a very long life. Its magnificent appearance symbolizes great prosperity. The tree also yields high quality wood and fruit. With its fresh verdure and splendid yellow leaves, a gingko tree is one of the most admired trees in Korea.

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Person in charge of content : Gyeonggi-do Provincial Office
Content may be re-used/re-distributed only if the original source is appropriately credited,
and may not be modified and/or used for commercial purposes.
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