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Global Inspiration GyeongGi-Do


We are proud of all we have to offer our residents.Here, you can find information on working in Korea, medical care and living information

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Whether you run a small business ormajor corporation, Gyeonggi-do provides the businessenvironment and support your companyneeds to succeed and grow.​​

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Working In Korea

During the employment contractual period, foreign workers are afforded the same legal protection as Korean workers under the Labor Standards Law, Minimum Wage Law and Industrial Safety & Health Law.
However, the same labor-related ordinances that apply to Koreans are not applicable to foreigners working as domestic servants.
Also, certain provisions in the labor laws do not apply to foreign workers who are engaged in farming, stock raising or fishing.

You need to have a Certificate of Alien Registration
(within ninety days of your entry into Korea)
  • You are required to register at a local immigration office having jurisdiction over the place of your stay within 90 days from the date of your entry into Korea.
  • When you register, you will need to fill out an application form, bring your passport and two color photos (3x4cm) and pay a fee.

There are restrictions on changing your place of employment.

In principle, foreign workers may not change their employer or place of work once a permit has been issued. However, circumstances sometimes arise that cause problems in maintaining the original working relationship. If this happens, you need to visit the local Employment Support Center and discuss steps for changing your place of employment.

Permission to renew your work contract and extend your sojourn

Your work contract must be renewed each year during your employment in Korea. Once you get the renewal, you are required to obtain permission to extend your sojourn period. Your employment period is three years, and accompaniment by family members is not allowed. You will be required to depart Korea after the work period is over.

Please refer to the Korean Immigration Service ( for more information.

Permission to renew your work contract and extend your sojourn

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Person in charge of content : Gyeonggi-do Provincial Office
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