Complex Shipping System Built Centering Pyeongtaek Harbor

Createdd 2003-08-25 Hit 6384


According to Gyeonggi-do, the Gyeonggi Research Institute held a research on the construction of a complex shipping structure focusing in the Pyeongtaek Port. Research results show a need for expanding roads due to the traffic congestion because of the increase in incoming and outgoing vechicles from the west Pyeongtaek IC to Pyeongtaek Port on the Seohaean Expressway , until 2010. In the case of the outport on the east quay, there already is a quay road, but since it doesn’t connect with the inner harbor, a new quay road must be constructed with the inner harbor development.

Mid-long term plans to construct an industrial railway to connect Gimpo and Pyeongtaek roads, establishing an entrance way to the Pyeongtaek Port, and also an industrial railway from Pyeongtaek Station to Pyeongtaek Port are especially in need.

From the research results, the Gyeonggi-do Pyeongtaek Port Development Support Organization expects for immediate improvement to the port transportation system for Pyeongtaek Port to develop into the center of northeast. The results from short policy plan made by the Gyeonggi Research Institute will bring about a complex transportation system measurement to establish various development plans for roads and ports.