Local Minor Enterprise Exports to be Expanded to $100 Billion by 2010

Createdd 2003-09-30 Hit 6418


The Korean government held the “Trade Promotion Conference” at KOTRA headquarters under the presidency of Moo-hyun Roh, President of Korea, in the afternoon of Sept. 26. Matters including current export movement and overhauling further prospects, expanding medium and long term export motorization by strengthening support counterplans for the competitive power of local minor enterprises will be discussed. 

About 170 people from departments, organizations, export support bodies of concern and other groups have attended the conference. Jin-sik Yoon, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy has emphasized the necessary to enhance export competitiveness of local enterprises to accomplish $20,000 in national per capita income by 2010 and for the prosperity of the country. 

To accomplish this, MOCIE plans to launch a comprehensive support measure to support technical innovation and improve export conditions. 

Thereupon, for the technical innovation support for local minor enterprises techno parks, district technical innovation centers and other establishments will be built and 1~2 ‘Industrial Research Cooperation Institutes’ will be chosen in each city and provinces starting next year and financial support for equipments and R&B funds are also expected to be provided. 

Every year at least 1000 domestic enterprises will be intensively trained as export companies and a pan-national marketing business plan to support export marketing will be promoted. 

President Roh has visited the ‘Cyber Trade Center’ before attending the conference and encouraged minor export enterprise representatives who negotiate with foreign buyers by video conference systems.