2003 Gyeonggi e-Biz EXPO Participation Notice
Createdd 2003-11-08 Hit 6274
To accelerate national income of 20,000 dollars by presenting plans to activate electronic trade (e-Trade) and e-biz, Gyeonggi Province and the Gyeonggi Small & Medium Business Center is opening 『2003 Gyeonggi e-Business EXPO』as a stepping-stone.
* Event Venue
o Period: Nov. 20 (Thru.) to 22 (Sat.), 2003
– e-Biz Workshop: Nov. 21 (Fri.) 10:00 to Nov. 22 (Sat.) 13:00 (2 days)
– e-Biz Fair: Nov. 20 (Thru.) 10:00 to Nov. 22 (Sat.) 13:00 (3 days)
o Location: Gyeonggi Small & Medium Business Center (Iui-dong, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do)
o Participants: officials from minor enterprises, e-Trade supported enterprises, everyone interested in e-biz
o How to participate
– e-Biz Workshop (2 days & 1 night) : fill out a participation application and then send it by FAX or E-mail
– e-Biz Fair (1 day) : free of charge without any applications
* Event Schedule
o 1st Day (Nov. 20, Thru.) : e-Biz Fair (3 days a row)
o 2nd Day (Nov. 21, Fri.) : Opening Ceremony, e-Biz Workshop (2 days & 1 night), University Student e-Biz Trial Venture Business Game Competition, training for local government officials and etc.
o 3rd Day (Nov. 22, Sat.) : e-Biz Workshop, e-Biz Fair, Closing Ceremony
* Application Registration
o Registration Period: until Nov. 12 (Wed.) 2003, 6 p.m.
o Registration Procedure: fill out a participation application and then send it by FAX or E-mail
o Registration Office
– Dept.: e-Marketing Team, Gyeonggi Small & Medium Business Center
– Phone: 031-259-6250~7, 259-6083~5
– Fax: 031-259-6085, 031-259-6258
– E-mail: jypark@ksbc.or.kr