World Designs on Display at ‘World Best Design Exchange 2003 Seoul Exhibition’

Createdd 2003-11-28 Hit 6533


World famous designs and designers, and design policy from the participatory government are gathered for display at ‘Design Korea 2003’, at COEX from December 4 to 8. 

The ‘World Best Design Exchange 2003 Seoul Exhibition’ sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) is a great gathering of over 400 famous GD products from 12 countries. (GD: Good Design) 

In addition, highest authorities and prominent scholars within the design circle will gather to discuss about design reformation at an ‘international conference’ and a briefing session for the ‘Development Strategy Plan for the Design Industry’ will be held to introduce the blueprint and policy plans for design projects by the government. 

Related with the exhibition, MOCIE has proclaimed the first week of December (1~7) as ‘Design Week’ and has prepared various events. ‘My Portfolio Day’ is a event prepared to solve the unemployment crisis among youth that provides internship opportunities at design companies in and out of the country to preliminary designers. 

During Design Week, a ‘Asian Market and Design’ conference (Nov. 2~3, Korea Institute of Design Promotion), a social gathering (Nov. 4), Cyber Exhibition and other events will also be held. 

(Rest omitted) 

Source: Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, November 27, 2003