Special Suburb Bus Operated at the Incheon International Airport

Createdd 2003-12-03 Hit 6440


A special suburb bus (27 seats) will be operated at the Incheon Int’l Airport. 
Buses currently in service at the Incheon Int’l Airport are about 200 general suburb buses operating on 23 routes and 430 buses with qualified licenses are running on routes. 
Until now 41-seated buses have been in service at the airport but will be changed to new suburb buses to improve the convenience of costumers. The difficulty in charging extra fare has delayed the operation of the new suburb bus. 

Residents living in suburb regions and foreigners visiting suburb regions for research, industrial tour, seminars and other reasons have experienced inconveniency such as the narrow width of seats. 

The Ministry Construction & Transportation has planned start services of special suburban buses to improve various problems and also raise the image and conveniences of the Incheon Int’l Airport. Extra bus fares of the special suburban buses will be settled within 50% of the fares of buses currently in service. 
Source: Ministry Construction & Transportation, December 1, 2003