Simplifying Sojourn Permission Process for Foreign Spouses
Createdd 2003-12-04 Hit 6316
Starting from this month, foreign spouses married to Korean citizens may only submit 2 kinds of documents to obtain sojourn permission instead of the 4 documents submitted in the past. Also, the enforcement ordinance for resident registration will be revised during the first half of next year to include the register number of houses when writing down addresses.
The Senior Secretary to the President for Public Participation, Presidential Secretariat has announced 7 amendments to the current policy including the above are being discussed or will be discussed with corresponding bureaus.
Inconveniences on obtaining permits for foreign spouses to stay in Korea have been submitted during the last Presidential Business Committee meeting. Up to now a complicated process of submitting similar documents to obtain permission for foreign spouses to extend or change qualifications about sojourn matters has been difficult. If the residence period in Korea is less than 2 years, sojourn has been extending for only 1 year.
This improvement in permit procedures will simplify document submissions from 4 documents to 2. Also, for those who have stayed in Korea for less than 2 years will be able to extend their sojourn period up to 2 years. This measure is scheduled to start in the middle of December.
(Rest omitted)
Source: Blue House, December 2, 2003