Gyeonggi-do promotes offensive trade policies for consumers

Createdd 2004-01-29 Hit 6413


Gyeonggi-do is determined to increase exportation by offensive trade policies focused on consumers. 

To accomplish this, the provincial government will promote the participation of about 200 minor-sized enterprises for the “2004 Automobile Parts Show” that will be held in September at the Seoul Trade Exhibition Center (SETEC). 

And also to buildup abilities to tackle the rapidly changing world trade environment, information on international trade focusing on successful cases in network establishment and strategies on entering target markets. 

To support overseas marketing, the provincial government will hold 3 independent overseas fairs where 120 enterprises will participate and operate a Gyeonggi-do Hall where about 150 enterprises may participate in 15 professional exhibitions and support booth rents for 150 enterprises who are participating in overseas exhibitions. 

In addition, a trade promotion group will be dispatched to Russia, 30 enterprises will participate in export investment conferences throughout America and exportation strategies will be unfolded in niche markets where the exhibition industry has not yet been settled. 

Famous international buyers from about 490 enterprises will especially be invited to export conferences in Korea this year to help boost exportation for small and medium-sized enterprises. 

An export infrastructure will be established by obtaining an international standards certification and also support about 100 enterprises with marketing to enhance foreign competitiveness. At the same time, active efforts to open up new markets as in supporting export premiums and market research expenses to create a stable exportation environment. 

The government will support overall process of export, from receiving orders and up to making contracts for about 300 enterprises to strengthen electronic trade. CDs and booklets on about one thousand enterprises will be actively advertised to renowned business sites and to activate electronic commerce, professional training, technical guidance, consulting and latest information will be provided to about one thousand enterprises.