“Korea is Getting Younger, and the World Can Feel the Nation’s Dynamics.”

Createdd 2005-03-08 Hit 6423


Gyeonggi Advanced Company Hosting Committee (Director: Governor Sohn Hak-kyu) held a conference with officials from 20 participating companies to “Gyeonggi-do IT Export B2B Meetings in North America” in San Jose in the evening of March 6. On the first day of the committee’s visit to the US, Governor Sohn encouraged the industry personnel. 

Governor Sohn who hosted the conference greeted the participants by saying, “As I meet Korean exporters half way across the world, it has become clear that Republic of Korea is getting younger with passion filling its heart. I will put forward the utmost effort in promoting the true public-private sector collaboration. World-class companies from Silicon Valley, New York, and other places now realize the infinite potential that the nation has in store for the future. If there is anything that I can do to help, please do not hesitate to ask.” 

Chairman Lee Hwa-su from the Gyeonggi-do Branch of Federation of Korean Trade Unions stated, “More the economy suffer, trade unions should concentrate its resources in bettering the people’s life. Not only the effort will be returned by profit generation, but also the employment will increase. FKTU pursues the change that takes both the general public and union members’ interest into consideration.” 

CEO Jeffrey Jones of Gyeonggi English Culture Foundation emphasized, “Even though everyone is asking for faster, cheaper, and better provision of goods and services, what they really want is ‘trust’,” as he called for more effort be put in the heightening the confidence on Korean companies. 

Provincial assembly persons Kim Tae-woong and Woo Tae-ju promised that the provincial assembly would strive to create a favorable business environment because “Businesses are competitive edge of Gyeonggi-do.” 

“Gyeonggi-do IT Export B2B Meetings in North America” under the sponsorship by Gyeonggi-do Trade Center will tour through San Francisco and Dallas in the US, and Vancouver in Canada between March 7 and 11. It will focus on finalizing export contracts through detailed consultations with local buyers. 

Gyeonggi Advanced Company Hosting Committee will carry out investment negotiations with MNCs such as Intel, Danaher, Photon Dynamics, and Fairchild on March 7.