The initial meeting of Hallyuwood Advisory Committee is held
Createdd 2005-09-29 Hit 6606
On September 29, the Gyeonggi Provincial Office is holding the initial meeting of the Hallywood Advisory Committee comprised of experts in tourism/culture and film at Samsung Noble County to make efforts to foster the Hallyu (Koran boom)-wood environment more efficiently.
At the meeting, Culture & Tourism Bureau Director General Shin Gwang-shik will explain the status of promotion of the efforts to foster Hallyuwood and make an interim report concerning the research carried out by the Gyeonggi Research Institute on a service contract basis from last June.
The matter of supplementation of tourists’ lodgings was placed on the top of the 18-item agenda selected by the current central Government, in connection with the fact that 80% of incoming foreign tourists choose Seoul and its vicinity as the destination, including sites in Gyeonggi Province. The provincial office has also made efforts to form futuristic tourist complexes, in addition to supplementing existing tourist facilities and improving the environment for foreign tourists in preparation for advent of era (i.e. around 2010) of 10 million foreign tourist paying visits to the nation.
The project for fostering the Hallyuwood environment was started in 2004 with the designation of the site. 96% of the relevant sites have been purchased, and assessment of the impact of various factors, such as environment, traffic and disaster, have been completed. With relevant deliberations and consultations with related agencies also completed, the matter now leaves only the process for final public notice. With the launch of the advisory committee, the project is expected to make rapid progress.
The advisory committee will take the charge of reviewing and giving advice on relevant matters in setting the direction for major policies for the Hallyuwood project.