Essay is out on how Gyeonggi Province enticed FDI
Createdd 2005-11-23 Hit 6826
South Korea’s Gyeonggi Province has recently published an essay describing behind stories of its efforts to entice foreign high-tech enterprises.
The essay titled “I, Story of Bringing Down Global Barrier” was co-authored by 25 people including journalists, provincial officials, labor unionists, executive members of Samsung Group and LG Group, South Korea’s two major conglomerates, and all the other s who were at the forefront of the province’s drive to attract foreign investment.
The essay demonstrates in detail how Gyeonggi Province appealed to such globally-renowned companies as LG Philips LCD Co., 3M Co. and Siemens in luring their investment.
The newly-published book consists of memoirs of reporters, snapshots of officials’ efforts to attract investment from 3M, and cooperation among labor, management and provincial office in the whole process.
Such efforts have paid off into more inflows of foreign capital into the province.
Since Sohn Hak-kyu took office as governor in July 2002, the province has enticed a combined US$13.3 billion worth of foreign investment from 88 companies of such nations as the United States, Japan and European countries as of October this year. The province said the investment led to creation of around 67,000 new jobs.
Gyeonggi Province said that the essay will be distributed to other provincial, municipal offices, public libraries and schools.
“The publication of the essay is meaningful in that it delivers all the stories behind the efforts to entice such high-tech foreign companies in this competition-driven world,” a Gyeonggi official said.