Foreign high-tech enterprises, investing in Gyeonggi-do!

Createdd 2006-05-02 Hit 6708


Foreign high-tech enterprises, investing in Gyeonggi-do!
– Gyeonggi-do holds investment presentation on May 16 –

The Gyeonggi-do government will hold an investment presentation with CEOs of foreign companies in Korea in the Grand Ballroom (1F) at Hyatt Hotel on May 15.

Among the 400 invitations, foreign company CEOs in Korea, officials from The European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea (EUCCK) and The American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM Korea), representatives from other foreign commerce groups, directors of domestic financial firms and investment consultants, ambassadors from various countries and commercial agents, are all expected to attend this event.

Gyeonggi-do has achieved in inducing is 105th investment, and is continuously observing more opportunities in attracting more companies interested in investing in Gyeonggi-do by introducing the province’s industrial vision and appealing environment.

The investment presentation will start from 2 to 6PM and includes a tour around the industrial complex in Hwasung Jangan, Dangdong Industrial Complex, and also “Paju LCD Philips Plant” where high-tech LCD monitors are produced.

Two separate events will be prepared after 6:30PM. After Sohn, Hakkyu’s welcome address a video of Gyeonggi-do’s investment environment “High-tech enterprise Inducement outcome & Gyeonggi-do’s strategy” (15 min.) will be projected. A celebration performance (30 min.) will follow to celebrate Gyeonggi-do’s 105th inducement.

Gyeonggi-do has induced about 13.7 million dollars from 105 foreign high-tech companies starting from July 2002 till last April and has also succeeded in providing job opportunities for 29,684 people.

Induced companies include 35 LCD related companies in Japan, and 25 automobile parts companies, 19 IT companies, 4 BT companies, 11 R&D laboratory, 11 companies of other fields from America.

Especially, 37 construction completion and operational companies, 14 initial construction companies, and 5 lease contractors are fulfilling investment performances flawlessly. 25 construction companies have shown a 70% investment performance rate during the first half of this year.

As a result, the Gyeonggi-do government has succeeded in attracting 401 million dollars from 15 foreign high-tech enterprises through its investment inducement activities in Japan, America and Europe since last April. Gyeonggi-do also chosen countries in North America and Europe as key targets to induce investments from more foreign high-tech companies.

Any enterprise or group who wishes to participate, may contact the Gyeonggi-do Foreign High-tech Enterprise Investment Inducement Presentation Bureau (02-544-0668, E-Mail : gyeonggi2006@korea,com) or Investment Promotion Division of the Gyeonggi Provincial Government (031-249-2762).