‘Pharm Bank’ selected as the best program in the Local District Policy Revamp Campaign

Createdd 2006-07-14 Hit 6886


Pharm Bank, Gyeonggi’s event to share the medical supplies with others are selected for the best program of 2006 Local District Policy Revamp Campaign and awarded for a prize of KRW50 million.

This is to select a distinguished program that is implemented or to be implemented by the local district for the provincial policy revamp and promote the spread of such program to the whole nation: which is operated by the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs having its 2nd opening this year.

Since 2003, Pharm Bank has been connecting the donor and the receiver of the medical supplies using its web site(pharmbank.gg.go.kr) and also carrying out the delivery of such shared medical supplies.

[ Date of Notice July 14, 2006 ]