New Digital World bringing Family Closer

Createdd 2006-08-22 Hit 6519


On August 10, Gyeonggi province held ‘IT Contest for 3 Generations of One Family’ with 60 persons of 20 families at Gyeonggi Official Training Center.

Various events such as ‘send e-mail everyday’, ‘let’s write a letter to your family’ and etc. brought each family generation much closer and gave them a great opportunity to get together and to have a wonderful time for a friendly family talk. In doing these kinds of activities, Gyeonggi aimed to build friendlier atmosphere in the local community.

Participants had to pass 5 different tests to win the contest: ‘Words Relay’ that each family member continue words through e-mails, ‘Quick Finder’ extracting the words of love or family love from the given essay, ‘Quiz King’ working out answers to the questions, ‘Solutions in the computer!’ working out the answers to the given questions using the internet, and ‘Hand-written letter to your family’ writing letters with a wish for your family’s well-being and health.

10 families are selected for gold, silvers, bronzes, and encouragement awards that will be handed out by a city mayor or county governor at the next monthly meeting.

“We had a great fun during the contest. Not only a fun we had but we also learnt a lot about how to bring family into one. Hope this sort of event or contest will be available every year.” voiced all the participants. 

Gyeonggi will continue its development in building the family bond of the locals by giving them a good chance to get together and understand each other. Since this contest has been a great success, it will stay for the next year with better programs, helping families to recover communications between each generation which has probably been dead for a long time after being a small family type society, therefore, to build a happy Gyeonggi community valuing the family for the most of all the others in life.