Gyeonggi awarded Presidential Citation

Createdd 2006-11-14 Hit 6526


Selected as the best municipality of 16 cities and provinces!
Accelerate in attracting foreign capital!

Gyeonggi province, on November 1, was awarded a Presidential Citation by being selected as the best municipality in inducing foreign capital.

As the best province in doing Investor’s Relations, Gyeonggi, defeating 15 other cities and provinces, were able to win the prize for a Presidential Citation in the ‘Foreign Investment Festival 2006’ hosted by the Ministry of Commerce,Industry,and Energy.

At the festival, having approximately 1,000 persons of foreign investors, worldwide scholars, central and local government officials, and etc., many events were held such as governmental rewards for local organizations and corporations, investor’s relation presentations, international symposium and etc.

MOCIE made a compliment to Gyeonggi for its utmost efforts to induce US$14.1 billion of foreign capital, invigorating local economy and also for its implementation of various plans and strategies to influence foreign capital.

‘International Company Village’established in Gyeonggi has given a great role in bringing many foreign capitals from US, Japan and etc. into the local. Out of 730,000 pyong of the International Company Village, there are 89 foreign companies reside using 440,000 pyong, raising US$13,520,000 of sales this year.

On October 31, Gyeonggi province is also slated to introduce ‘Investment Advisory Group’ formed with 20 non-governmental experts which will aid in vitalizing local economy and creating more work places.