Gyeonggi to provide 10 units of fire trucks to Russian Maritime
Createdd 2006-12-29 Hit 7148
Gyeonggi to provide 10 units of fire trucks to Russian Maritime
Gyeonggi reported that it provided 10 units of fire fighting trucks to Russian Maritime.
Local province with the Vice governor of Political Affairs, Won, Yucheol as the head was informed of the details on the operational plans for the provided fire trucks and had a ‘Transfer Ceremony’ which commits additional support of fire trucks to Russian Maritime.
“A lot of local press also showed a great interest in the Transfer Ceremony of fire trucks from Gyeonggi which was held on the 19th.”, said the Principal of International Agricultural Development Committee, Lee, Byunghwa who induced a close relationship between Gyeonggi and Russian Maritime.
To make this transfer event successful, a provincial assembly also provided a great support. Gyeonggi was actually able to raise approx. KRW4 million per unit of fire truck that are expired of its service by having them on public sales or putting them on a retiring service. But Gyeonggi actually spent KRW130 million for 20 units of fire trucks that were given till July this year, leaving down the profits they may have raised from. It costs approx. KRW2.5 million per unit to repair the fire truck that is out of its service term.
This provision of fire truck to Russian Maritime means much more than just support of a vehicle. It will certainly give aid in improving fire prevention environment of Russian Maritime but it will also influence local people’s point of view looking at 47,000 number of Goryeon dwelling in Russian Maritime.
Number of fire trucks provided by Gyeonggi(20 units) is a sufficient number to run one whole new fire station. Considering the fact that there are 30 fire stations located in Gyeonggi for ten millions of population, it sure was a big decision for Gyeonggi to give 20 units of fire trucks to the Russian Maritime where only has about 50,000 populations.
Provincial assembly also mentioned that it will continue providing aggressive support if this relatively little input can give pride of homeland to the Goryeon of Russian Maritime and also help in realizing great Gyeonggi image to the world.
At this Transfer Ceremony, the Vice governor of Political Affairs, Won, Yucheol, members of provincial assembly, Song, Yunwon, Choi, Yonggil, and Lee, Byungyeol were participated as an envoy group to increase friendship between Gyeonggi and Russian Maritime.
“10 units of fire trucks provided up until now are currently used in Horol, Hangkasuki, Bbgurinichi, and Yanuchinsuki of Russian Maritime and another 10 units will be provided upon the plan of Russian Maritime government.”, said the person from the Fire Defense Department.