TF Team to act against Climatic Change Convention
Createdd 2007-02-05 Hit 6780
TF Team to act against Climatic Change Convention
– Gyeonggi to generate significant reduction in the GHG emission
Gyeonggi reported that it would establish special Task Force Team, which will cooperate with the policies introduced by the Climatic Change Convention.
To reduce GHG emission, local government will implement so-called an ‘Early Reduction System for GHG emission’ rather than establishing a coercive GHG reduction policy. It will also try to alleviate environmental regulation and minimize the cost to operate a new system for GHG emission.
Whereas the international policy measures to counter global warming and Kyoto Protocol came into effect from 2005, the pressures from the other countries on Korea who is the 9th largest country discharging GHG will increase. Against heavy pressures expected from the other counties, Gyeonggi has formed TF Team which will effectively negotiate and discuss with the international organizations upon the GHG issues.
This newly formed TF Team is consisted of 12 departments and divisions including Industrial Policy Dept., Gyeonggi Research Institute and etc. in which every departments and divisions will be granted with the special and unique role and responsibility for GHG emission reduction. 44 subjects such as GHG reduction plan, GHG emission analysis and etc. from 7 different environment fields such as air environment, energy management and etc. are selected to be managed by the TF Team.
Upon the ‘Gyeonggi’s Countermove Against Climatic Change Convention’ studied by the Gyeonggi Research Institute in March last year, local government was able to finish its ground work for GHG reduction and its counteraction against the policies of CCC.
With the expert advice from the tentatively called ‘Advisory Group for Climatic Change Convention’and public opinions of the local citizens, Gyeonggi, before laying heavy obligations of reducing GHG, will set up mid to long term plan against climatic change convention and target of GHG emission rate which will then support continuous improvement of the local economy and strengthen the competitiveness of local government.