Gyeonggi Fire Headquarter to provide safety lessons to foreigners
Createdd 2007-03-06 Hit 6662
Gyeonggi Fire Headquarter to provide safety lessons to foreigners
For the safety of foreign tourists and foreign workers in Korea, Gyeonggi province has been producing and distributing a film of safety features specially made for foreigners.
Since there are more than 150,000 foreigners working in Korea and the number of tourists from overseas traveling in Gyeonggi is increasing, there always has been a need to have a safety lesson film for foreigners. Therefore, the Gyeonggi Fire Headquarter (Manager Choi, Jinjong) came up with the idea to produce a film showing foreigners the steps to report to the police or fire station for help, explaining preventive measures against possible risks and etc.
“The foreigners working in the industrial field are extremely exposed to the various dangerous features and risks at work. Factory trainees coming from overseas into Korea do receive safety lessons at the immigration when entering, which however, is not very efficient due to the language difficulty.”, said the official from the Gyeonggi Fire Headquarter committing to resolve such issue soon.
This safety lesson film is perfectly made from the foreigner’s point of view providing practical guide to report at the fire, escape in any emergency, call for emergency help and etc. Currently, the film is only provided in English, Japanese, and Chinese but will be made in other various languages.
“This film of Gyeonggi Fire Headquarter will be sent to each fire stations in Gyeonggi, foreign embassies, any companies with foreign workers, Korea Tourism Organization and etc. But if there are anyone who wishes to view the film, Gyeonggi’s Fire Prevention Web Site (www, would be the perfect channel to download the film or the telephone line (031-230-2956) also provides assistance.”, said the official from the Gyeonggi Fire Headquarter.