Gyeonggi Province: Proposal for [2nd Comprehensive Plan for Improvement of Business Environment]-2

Createdd 2007-03-30 Hit 5396


With regards to the environment, regarding notification of water toxic substances in the Paldang Special Measure Zone, Gyeonggi Province demanded a shift from the current area cap of emission facilities to regulations based on allowed emissions volume (for example, restricting expansion of Hynix Icheon factory due to its excessive copper emissions). Also, Gyeonggi Province requested the government to reconsider its decision, stressing that the “Special Law for Improvement of Metropolitan Air Quality” that passed the national assembly late last year can levy an excessive burden to companies.

In addition to above mentioned proposals, Gyeonggi Province suggested
– improvement in factory registration process for venture companies
– adoption of comprehensive property surety system
– early designation of the Yellow Sea Free Economic Zone
– increased special provision of homes for rent and sale to workers

One Gyeonggi Province official said, “It is urgent that the government think outside the box to prioritize national interests, through expanding investment, raising business vitality, and easing regulations considering the prolonged economic slowdown and low morale of business sentiment.”

Gyeonggi Province will come forward and strive to reflect its proposals on the government’s comprehensive plan in June by publicizing the issue through joining hands with lawmakers in the province, and economic institutions as well as companies.

1. List of 51 Proposals for Improvement of Business Environment
2. Schedule of [2nd Comprehensive Plan for Improvement of Business Environment]