Gyeonggi Province on the Move

Createdd 2007-07-30 Hit 6677


Gov. Kim says his provincial gov’t strives to make the province a center
of the Pan-Yellow Sea Economic Sphere

M arking the first anniversary of his inauguration as the fourth-term elected governor of local autonomy, Gov. Kim Moon-soo elaborated on his aggressive approaches designed to make his province 17 times as spacious as the capital, a land of potential and opportunities, a growth engine of the nation.

Kim, a pro-democracy activist-turned governor, has logged 61,598 km traveling,
equivalent to one and half trips around the earth in the past year following his inauguration to crusade his mission. He touched on a wide range of areas, including steps to strengthen the province s sagging
manufacturing foundation and explore logistics, services and digital content industries as well as attract FDIs.
The following are the excerpts of his interview with NewsWorld – Ed.

Question: One year has passed since you took office as the governor of Gyeonggi Province. Will you tell our
readers about the achievements your provincial government has made so far and plans in the years to come?

Answer : Even though I already know that the province has a lot of things to improve, I realize that the province is a land with potential and opportunity. Gyeonggi Province is considered a hub of growth that will drive the development of Korea.
I have worked for an average of 14 hours per day every day for the past year following my inauguration.
I have made a total of 1,004 observation tours to sites or an average of 2.8 visits per day by traveling a
combined 61,598 km, equivalent to one and half trips around the earth.

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