‘Global Inspiration’Gyeonggi Province Strengthens Overseas PR via Blog
Createdd 2008-12-02 Hit 5905
– Gyeonggi Province launches overseas online PR via Wikipedia and multilingual blogs
– Recruitment of ‘Overseas PR Bloggers’and gathering Gyeonggi Province contents to be undertaken worldwide
Early in December, Gyeonggi Province will open an official blog for overseas tourists and for the attraction of foreign investment. The multilingual blog will be available in various languages including English, Japanese, and Chinese. In order to introduce blogger contents overseas, Gyeonggi Province will hold a ‘Gyeonggi Province Overseas PR Blogger Recruiting Event’ from November 21 to the end of February, 2009.
To enter the Gyeonggi Province Overseas PR Blogger Recruiting Event, go to Gyeonggi Province’s Overseas PR Blog (http://blogger.gg.go.kr) and enter the URL of your blog post that contains contents about Gyeonggi Province, or scrap the post about the event and make it available on your blog. Based on ranking, distinguished blog contents will be awarded gift certificates of various types including those for use at department stores and bookstores. Contestants who won the previous month may enter again. Contents that have been written in a foreign language such as English, Japanese, and Chinese and contain a large number of photos and videos will be given extra points.
Of the Korean contents entered by bloggers, a few will be selected and translated into English, Japanese, and Chinese. The selected pieces will be introduced on the official Gyeonggi Province Overseas PR Blog that will be launched in December. Distinguished bloggers will not only be given the title ‘Official Gyeonggi Province Blog Journalist’ but will also have the chance to take classes on self-installed blogs offered by Tistory, which is sponsored by power blogger Jang Du-hyeon, also known by the pen name ‘Jet’. Journalists will also be given a set amount of money to support their work. In addition, in order to promote the Overseas PR Blog, Gyeonggi Province plans to recruit candidates interested in learning more about blogs and offer them training. There will be three recruiting sessions.
A PR specialist at Gyeonggi Province announced that they will be taking further action to maximize the marketing effects of the project overseas and will be utilizing Web 2.0 media in the process. Following the launch of the official blogs in various languages, they plan to make the contents available on numerous blogs that are famous overseas and carry out updates on websites like Wikipedida and YouTube.