US Visit Nets Investment and Exchange

Createdd 2010-10-04 Hit 1522


US The Visit to USA hasNetted Caught Two Hares: Investment and Exchange


Governor Kim Moon-Soo attracted an investment of totaling USD 157 million from 5 hi-tech companies in the USA, . He also discussed the Korea-US FTA, the relocation of US bases, and strategies for China and inter-Korean problems.


– The provincial delegation, led by Governor Kim Moon-Soo, has caught two hares: investment and exchange. Governor Kim visits the Innovation Center together with Mountain View CFO Franz Willer CFO of Mountain View Co. (located in San Francisco, US). – G News Plus







New Employment

Expected Site



Semiconductor slurries

10 million


Oseong Complex



San Francisco

Diagnostic imaging equipment

100 million


KINS Tower



San Francisco

Optical analyzers

16 million


KINS Tower


TS Fuel Cell


Fuel cells

11 million


Eoyeon Hansan Complex


Analog Device


Semiconductor devices

20 million


KINS Tower



*Investment attracted from US enterprises (September 2010): USD 157 million / 235 to be employed


– The provincial government entered agreements with five companies – Siemens, Analog Device, Bruker, TS Fuel Cell and Cabot, – regarding investments totaling of USD 157 million, through which research institutes and production facilities will be established founded in Korea. – G News Plus

The provincial delegation, led by Governor Kim Moon-Soo, has caught two hares: investment and exchange. The delegation departed from the Korea on September 26th and visited four cities in the US during 5 nights and 7 days, where it attracted investments and promoted friendly relations. The delegation returned to Korea on October 2nd.


The provincial government nentered agreements with five companies – Siemens, Analog Device, Bruker, TS Fuel Cell and Cabot – regarding investments totaling USD 157 million through which research institutes and production facilities will be established in Korea (refer to the above table).


These investments are expected to introduce the advanced technology related to diagnostic imaging equipment, the design of semiconducting/electrical components, optical analyzers, fuel cell separators and semiconductor slurries into Korea, while simultaneously creatinge high-quality jobs and reviving the local economy.


In addition to attracting investment, Governor Kim Moon-Soo participated in talks with Virginia Governor Robert MacDonnell (Virginia and Gyeonggi have been sister regions since 1997) as well as major figures in the US Congress and federal government regarding bilateral issues.


On September 27th (local time), Governor Kim met with Virginia Governor Robert MacDonnell – who is scheduled to visit Korea in the first half of next year to see Korea’s solar and bio car technology – for talks regarding the dispatch of employees, business cooperation, training cooperation and cultural exchange.


And on September 28th (local time), Governor Kim visited Washington for talks with Assistant Secretary of State Kurt M. Campbell, U.S. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Dorothy Robin, Senator James Webb and Congressman Eni Faleomavaega. Governor Kim exchanged opinions on matters of common interest such as the Korea-US FTA, the relocation of US bases, inter-Korean peace and economic cooperation.


– In addition to attracting investment, Governor Kim Moon-Soo had talks with Virginia Governor Robert MacDonnell (Virginia and Gyeonggi have been sister regions since 1997) and major figures of the US Congress and federal government regarding bilateral issues. – G News Plus 


He asked them to ratify the Korea-US FTA as soon as possible, maintaining that delaying the ratification is not helpful for U.S. interests in Northeast Asia, and to think of regional big rather than national interests. 


Governor Kim said, “Currently, 90% of US bases in Korea are located in Gyeonggi Province. Because of the delay in the relocation of the U.S. bases to Pyeongtaek, residents not only at the present sites, Dongducheon and Euijeongbu, but also at the next future site, Pyeongtaek, are experiencing considerable difficulty.”


On this point, Assistant Secretary of State Kurt M. Campbell and Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Dorothy Robin disagreed.


Campbell and the other major figures asked Governor Kim to continue his efforts for inter-Korean peace, saying, “North Korea has been going through political chaos and suffering from economic hardships, and thus it seems ready to collapse soon. However, its monocracy has been solidified and supported by China for a long time. Taken altogether, it seems that it will not be broken down easily.”


Governor Kim received an ovation after making a speech about Korea-US economic development in at the Korea Economic Institute in Washington, D.C. And he had held meetings with Korean leaders in Washington, Chicago, San Francisco and LA, where opinions were exchanged about how to improve the status of overseas Koreans and to develop Korea.


After finishing his mission in the US, Governor Kim said, “I worked to attract investment from technology-intensive businesses and held discussions with major figures about the relocation of U.S. bases and the ratification of the Korea-US FTA. The Korea-US alliance needs to be reinforced so as to balance China’s rapid growth.”


– G News Plus / Joung Seung-Do

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