Acclaimed Documentaries Shown at DMZ Docs 2010 Enjoy an Encore

Createdd 2010-11-03 Hit 2632


Nine cinematic masterpieces wil be shown every Wednesday until December at the Café Hyper-Theque Nada. At the end of the year, the same features will be shown in Incheon, Jeonju and Jeju.

– The Gyeonggi Provincial Government will screen documentaries shown at DMZ Docs 2010 at the café Hyper-Theque Nada located in Daehak Street in Seoul every Wednesday during November and December. The movies were already shown at Cinus Isu in an encore screening. © G-News Plus

Acclaimed documentaries shown at DMZ Docs 2010 (held from September 9 to 13, 2010) are re-run.

The Gyeonggi Provincial Government will screen documentaries shown at DMZ Docs 2010 at the café Hyper-Theque Nada located in Daehak Street in Seoul every Wednesday during November and December. The documentaries were already shown at Cinus Isu in an encore screening.

Documentary fans who could not attend the festival have an opportunity to view these 9 productions including 7 much-talked-about features such as Czech Peace, recipient of the festival’s grand prize, and Ochetuji Diary, for which the judges’ special prize was awarded.

The documentaries are scheduled to be re-run in Incheon, Gangneung, Jeonju and Jeju between this December and next January, providing local residents with a special opportunity to enjoy these acclaimed productions.

The documentaries are shown at 8:20 p.m. on Wednesdays. Ochetuji Diary is shown on November 3rd; Enemies of the People on the 10th; Czech Peace on the 24th; The Last Offensive on the 1st of December; Listen to This on the 8th; Budrus on the 15th; and Love That’s All is scheduled to be shown on December 22nd.

For more information, refer to the website (

DMZ Docs 2010, hosted by the Gyeonggi Provincial Government and organized by the Gyeonggi Performing & Film Commission, was held from September 9 to 13, 2010, in Pyeonghwa-Nuri Park in Imjingak and the publishing quarter in Paju City; the event was attended by 14,000 visitors.

[Documentaries to be Re-run]

Czech Peace, Grand Prize, Vit Klusk and Filip Remunda, the Czech Republic

-Czech Peace © G News Plus

As a U.S. radar base is about to be establsihed in a small village in Trokavec of the Czech Republic, pacifists including the mayor begin their struggle. In addition to George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice and Barack Obama, peace activists and lobbyists appear as supporting actors. Can Trokavec win its fight?

Ochetuji Diary, Judges’ Special Prize, Ji Geum-Jong and Choi Yoo-Jin, South Korea

-Ochetuji Diary © G News Plus

In the late summer of 2008, when Korean society is in turmoil, two Catholic priests, Moon Gyoo-Hyun and Jeon Jong-Hoon, and a Buddhist monk, Soo-Gyoung, take part in a cross-country trip from Mountain Jiri to Mountain Gyeryong in South Korea. During the trip, they perform a deep bow every three steps, an act which is called Ochetuji in Korean. Ochetuji is recognized as the world’s most humble form of self-mortification. They meet with various persons on the way, and in the process, they forge a friendship that transcends religious boundaries. The tale of their journey does not rebuke us for debasing the sanctity of man and life, but instead whispers something special in our ears.

Peace, a curtain raiser, Soda Kazuhiro, Japan and USA

-Peace © G News Plus

What are peace and coexistence? What are the necessary elements for peace and coexistence? The documentary Peace seeks the answers from an observer’s viewpoint. At a small house located in Okayama, Japan, men and animals get along on the boundary between life and death and vigilance and toleration, learning about how to coexist in their own ways.

Enemies of the People, Thet Sambath and Rob Remkin, Cambodia and UK

-Enemies of the People © G News Plus

Reporter Thet Sambath looks for Khmer Rouge who slaughtered civilians. The massacre has been hidden for a long time, from rank-and-file soldiers to the supreme authorities. and so the only way to draw them out is through closeness and trust. Even though he himself lost his parents and brother in the killing fields, Thet Sambath bides his time for 10 days, wearing smiles in front of his enemies. Finally, the truth is revealed after 30 years of silence.

The Last Offensive, Juan Carrascal Ynigo and Others, El Salvador and Spain

-The Last Offensive © G News Plus

El Salvador was in the grips of a civil war rife with assassinations and guerilla attacks for about 20 years until 1992, when a peace treaty was concluded. The FMLN, a leftist party that threw down their weapons and came down from the mountains, makes efforts to gain power by peaceful means. Meanwhile, ARENA, a rightist party, attempts to change its image so as to regain power. This is a record of the thirst for democratization without submitting to continuous violence.

Budrus, Julia Bacha, USA, Palestine and Israel

-Budrus © G News Plus

Aliayed Marral makes an alliance with Palestinians and Israelis to save his village from destruction by the separation barrier. It seems impossible to win the battle until his fifteen-year-old daughter, Iltajam, leads women to the frontlines. This documentary shows that nonviolence and solidarity can overcome even a supposedly unassailable fortress.

Love That’s All, Stefano Consiglio, Italy

-Love That’s All © G News Plus

Nine homosexual couples from various regions in Europe – such as Rome, Berlin and Versailles – and their love songs are featured. They differ greatly in age, careers and views about love, but they still love each other with the result that they experience a great deal together over the years.

Into Eternity, Michael Madsen, Denmark

-Into Eternity © G News Plus

In Finland, the world’s first attempt was made to dispose of airtight nuclear waste containers under bedrock. Since the radioactivity of nuclear waste persists for hundreds of thousands of years, the containers should be permanently sealed. But what happens if our descendants unseal these containers in far future just as we unearthed the Egyptian pyramids? And what if they disregard the warnings we leave?

Listen to This, Juan Baquero, Canada

-Listen to This © G News Plus


Guns, rapes and bloodshed are the topics of children’s conversation in the slum. Thomson, a pianist who grew up in a slum, and his friends return and hold a music workshop. This documentary shows the process by which music opens children’s hearts and changes their lives.


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