5th Popularly Elected Provincial Government Continues Dedication to Citizens
Createdd 2010-11-11 Hit 2479
The 5th Popularly Elected Gyeonggi Provincial Government: Hopeful Gyeonggi 2014
Community, Empathy, Service, Harmony, Well-being, Growth and Foresight.
On October 8th, the Gyeonggi Provincial Government put forward its master plan for provincial development, Hopeful Gyeonggi 2014, in line with the philosophy of provincial administration, and announced five goals and 25 projects.
The fifth popularly elected government of Gyeonggi Province, which was launched under the motto of “more modesty and more passion,” pursues communication and empathy with a rudder of “service, harmony, well-being, growth and foresight” to lead Korea to unification and advancement. It has fleshed out the goals established by the present governor during his previous term, defined targets and, as a result, has derived its final five goals. The Gyeonggi Provincial Government plans to realize its master plan of provincial development by 2014.
– The fifth popularly elected provincial government, based on the 4th, continues its dedication to provincial citizens. Governor Kim (left) talks with a shopkeeper during a visit to Jungang Market in Yongin in March of this year. © G-News Plus
– Governor Kim has realized his goal of a field and citizen-centered administration by operating an around-the-clock, year-round civil affairs office and Muhandolbom, a special welfare service. He talks with an elderly vendor while holding her hand, in Baran Market in April of this year. © G-News Plus
The fourth popularly elected Gyeonggi Provincial Government, also led by Governor Kim Moon-Soo, implemented the Seoul-Gyeonggi transfer discount system and formulated the West Coast development strategy despite barriers and reverse regionalism encountered in the metropolitan area. During the second half of Governor Kim’s administration, the provincial government achieved deregulation in the metropolitan area, the implementation of the Great Train Express (GTX) project, the realization of the special Muhandolbom welfare service and the expansion of firefighting and public order security infrastructure.
The fifth popularly elected provincial government, also led by Governor Kim following his re-elction, continues its dedication to citizens on the basis of the fourth popularly elected government but with renewed modestly and passion.
On October 8th, the Gyeonggi Provincial Government announced its master plan for provincial governance, Hopeful Gyeonggi 2014, with 25 projects and 103 subprojects including 61 election pledges. The master plan serves as the rudder to steer Korea to re-unification and advancement. The plan is grounded on the administrative philosophy of “service, harmony, well-being, growth and foresight.”
Also on October 8th, Dr. Park Soo-Young Assistant Governor for Economy and Investment, stated in a briefing that the preparations for the realization of the master plan originated from the previous administration and that the provincial government plans to actively carry it forward with focus on devotion to citizens.
Hopeful Gyeonggi 2014, which reflects Governor Kim’s priority of field and citizen-centered administration, includes welfare, childcare, education, civil affairs administration and more in order to directly ensure convenience for citizens.
Governor Kim has emphasized field and citizen-centered administration since his first administration, which resulted in the operation of the around-the-clock, year-round civil affairs office and the provision of the Muhandolbom special welfare service. A childcare policy that addresses the problem of low national birthrate is expected materialize in line with policies formulated during the previous administration. In addition, Governor Kim’s interest in the northeastern district of the province will be actualized under the slogan of “A Well-Balanced Province as an Outpost for Peaceful Re-unification.”
The metropolitan railroad system based on GTX, the Universal Studios Korea Resort (USKR) and the formation of the Jeongok Marine Industrial Park are also connected to the pan-Yellow Sea development projects being propelled by Governor Kim.
The following are the nine priority projects of Hopeful Gyeonggi 2014:
The first is the operation of an around-the-clock, year-round and on-site administrative service
The Gyeonggi Provincial Government actualized the around-the-clock, year-round and on-site administrative service as a part of the field and citizen-centered administration, and it will be further augmented during the current administration. The Muhandolbom special welfare service has been firmly established and recognized as a unique brand of provincial welfare. With funding of KRW 120 billion (approximately USD 120 million), it is expected to support 75,000 families with living expenses.
The second of the nine projects is the promotion of an environment in which children are happy and mothers feel secure. To this end, the provincial government plans to increase number of the schools in which the Anshim safe school program operates from 37 (as of 2010) to 300 by 2014. Moreover, it will increase the number of 24-hour childcare centers to 300.
In addition, it will concentrate on creating jobs for disadvantaged people such as those in dire financial straits, North Korean defectors and the disabled. Once the plan is implemented, it will generate jobs for 800 individuals every year. Additionally, the provincial government will create 14,000 jobs for senior citizens.
– The provincial government will expand the lifelong education program so that the socially or educationally disadvantaged, such as patients with leprosy and Koreans who moved from Sakhalin, can benefit. Meanwhile, in June of this year, an education hall was opened in Jangja Village in which patients with leprosy live. © Hwang Jin-Hwan, G-News Plus
The provincial government will expand lifelong education programs so that the socially or educationally disadvantaged, such as patients with leprosy and Koreans who moved from Sakhalin, can benefit. In addition, it plans to run free on-line education programs so that one million citizens can have time for self-development and certification.
In line with the previous administration, the current provincial government will endeavor to shrink Seoul and Gyeonggi into a 30-minutes life zone through GTX so that it can become a globally competitive megacity. In addition to the extension of GTX, it plans to build transfer centers connected to stations on GTX lines.
The provincial government will focus on promoting new growth engine industries. In particular, it plans to invest KRW 13.8 billion won (approximately USD 13.8 million) in state-of-the-art technologies such as the commercialization of the genome and biomarkers so as to develop the pharmaceutical and medical industries. Likewise, it plans on building an airpark equipped with a runway and a 220 thousand-square-meter second exhibition hall of the Korean International Exhibition Center (KINTEX) in order to promote the aeronautical and MICE industries.
The Gyeonggi Provincial Government will redouble its efforts to secure a bridgehead for exchange with China in the pan-Yellow Sea zone. Regarding West Coast development projects, roughly KRW 8 trillion (approximately USD 8 billion) is slated for investment in 28 subprojects, 10 of which will be aggressively executed for realization in 2014 including the formation of a hi-tech industry belt. Pyeongtaek Port is expected to emerge as a base for the pan-Yellow Sea zone, and the construction of USKR will create jobs while attracting 200 million tourists.
Moreover, the provincial government plans to develop infrastructure in the northern and eastern districts in order to realize the target of a ‘Well-Balanced Province,’ and aims to be at the forefront of peaceful re-unification through the provision of food aid to North Korea, supporting the disadvantaged and founding a re-unification university.
© Lee Dong-Youl, yeory@kg21.net G-News Plus Dated Oct. 8, 2010
??? Original Text: http://gnews.gg.go.kr/news/news_detail.asp?number=201010081629067584C048&s_code=C048&CR_DATE=2010-11
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