Mulhandolbom: Gyeonggi’s Superior Welfare Service

Createdd 2010-12-01 Hit 2492


Governor Kim delivered a special guest lecture on welfare policy at the Kanagawa Prefecture College of Health and Welfare in Japan. His points were endorsed by supportive statements of the audience, such as ‘Japan should also consider this.’

Governor Kim Moon-soo introduced the Muhandolbom (‘unlimited care’) welfare policy for families in crisis that has been, implemented in Gyeonggi Province. This topic was well received by the audience.  


The governor visited the Kanagawa Prefectural College of Health and Welfare on November 30th to participate in activities marking the 20th anniversary of sisterhood relations between Kanagawa Prefecture and Gyeonggi Province. Governor Kim used this opportunity to introduce the Muhandolbom welare policy for families in crisis, a representative welfare policy of Gyeonggi Province, as well as the Dream Tree Anshim School Program to 300 students.




Governor Kim received a very favorable response from faculty members and students alike at the College of Health and Welfare because, during his lecture, he cited case studies to illustrate the features of this personalized welfare policy. His introduction of the Dream Tree Anshim Safe School Program, which is able to alleviate rapidly developing social problems such as a low birth rate and the aging of the population, was also well received. Governor Kim explained the reasons for the introduction of the Muhandolbom support program for families in crisis, chief among which was the large number of people who face difficulties due to the global financial crisis.


‘Muhandolbom is a consumer-centric, personalized one-stop welfare service delivery system that supports families who are experiencing crises due to illness, unemployment, natural disasters, and family discord. It helps them to escape from their dire situation as fast as possible,’ said Governor Kim.




‘This welfare system enables regional welfare offices to use their own judgment and offers emergency support within three days according to the principle of ‘support first, assess later.’ Furthermore, this system provides comprehensive financial assistance for medical costs borne by families afflicted by illness,’ he added.




He went on to explain the reasoning behind the Dream Tree Anshim School Program: ‘Children shouldn’t be left alone while parents in lower-income families go to work during school vacations or public holidays, so to take care of these children – for instance ensuring they are adequately fed and are otherwise out of danger – is the most important thing.’


‘That’s why we created the Dream Tree Anshim School Program for Gyeonggi Province in September of 2008. It helps to provide careas well as education for children outside of school, so eventually the students’ grades improve. Consequently, the reaction of parents has been very good,’ he added.


Governor Kim reiterated that ‘welfare policy shouldn’t be prescribed solely by pen-pushers; we have to understand exactly what needy citizens require, and create a public welfare policy that is tailored to their needs – this is a welfare policy that provides real practical benefits.’


‘We’ve been in partnership with Japan’s Kanagawa Prefecture for about 20 years, and hope this relationship between local governments will last forever,’ he noted, and concluded his lecture by saying, ‘In particular I expect that the Kanagawa Prefectural College of Health and Welfare, which specializes in research on public health and welfare, will teach us a lot.’


Many students agreed that they had been moved by his comments that welfare programs must be created for people who are currently underserved by the present system – for instance, with this personalized welfare system – and that although it wouldn’t be easy, this kind of system is necessary.



© Governor Kim introduces the personalized Muhandolbom welfare policy, which offers comprehensive care for families in crisis, and the Dream Tree Anshim School Program with detailed case studies. © G News Plus

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