Governor Kim Moon-soo to address Council on Foreign Relations in New York
Createdd 2011-04-15 Hit 1031
Governor Kim Moon-soo to address Council on Foreign Relations in New York
-Governor received invitation two months ago; exceptional opportunity for a Korean politician
-Governor to discuss South Korea’s future, relations with North Korea and other leading bilateral issues
Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Moon-soo was asked to address the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). This is a rare opportunity; he is only the 4th Korean politician to receive such an invitation.
Gyeonggi Province reported that Governor Kim Moon-soo will be delivering a speech at the headquarters of the CFR in New York City on April 19that 4 P.M. during his visit to Canada and the U.S. for the promotion of investment and trade from April 17th to 24th.
The CFR is a well-known American think tank that hosts eminent discussions on international affairs and has considerable influence on U.S. foreign policy formulation. The late John D. Rockefeller, chairman of the Standard Oil Company, was an honorary chairman of the CFR. The main members include leading figures in global politics, finance and industry.
In February, the CFR officially invited Governor Kim to address its members so as to provide them with the opportunity to hear about South Korean political issues and the Governor’s political philosophy.
Gyeonggi Province Spokesperson Kim Yong-sam said, “We are focusing on the fact that the CFR, from among the many Korean politicians, displayed interest in Governor Kim. We also anticipate extensive discussions about the alliance and the policy toward North Korea.” Spokesperson Kim also mentioned, “The CFR is extending extraordinary hospitality to Governor Kim considering that former CFR President Richard Haass will participate in a special event with key people to receive the Governor.”
Governor Kim Moon-soo will speak about South Korea’s future, the North Korean regime after Kim Jung-il, North Korea’s human rights, the South Korean-U.S. alliance, problems of economic cooperation through the Korea-U.S FTA and more. During his 10-minute address, the Governor will primarily focus on political issues between two countries and then participate in a discussion with CFR members for an hour.
Former Korean President Kim Dae-jung stood on the CFR podium in 2001, National Assembly Member Chung Mong-joon in 2002, and President Lee myung-bak in 2009. President Lee’s ‘Grand Bargain’ comment was made during his address at the CFR.
Meanwhile, Governor Kim is scheduled to make an address on Korean-U.S. cooperation at The Korea Society in New York, and will be interviewed by the international business and financial news service Bloomberg. These two organizations invited Governor Kim for these occasions. Of particular note, leading Bloomberg journalists will conduct the in-person, in depth interview with the Governor on current political issues.
Governor Kim starts his North American mission with a visit to Vancouver, Canada, and then moves on to New York, Detroit, Los Angeles and other cities in America. He will also visit five different companies and is expected to secure foreign investment of USD 212,000,000.
Governor Kim Moon-soo’s Main Schedule in North America
Inquiries: Press Relations Division 8008-2705