Gyeonggi Province to Offer KRW 450 Million to Underdeveloped
Createdd 2012-02-08 Hit 635
Gyeonggi Province to Offer KRW 450 Million to Underdeveloped Nations in 2012
-2012 Public Development Aid Plan Announced: Public Aid Application Begins in January
-KRW 100 million for Education and Technology Support and KRW 350 Million for Social Infrastructure Assets Support
This year Gyeonggi Province will offer KRW 450 million as Official Development Assistance (ODA) to underdeveloped countries in Asia and other countries around the world where poverty and economic difficulties are prevalent.
Gyeonggi Province announced on January 18 that it had earmarked KRW 450 million as its ODA funds for 2012, an amount similar to that provided in 2011 (KRW 500 million), and that it would split the amount into two categories: international exchange cooperation projects and international development cooperation projects.
The international exchange cooperation projects will be granted KRW 100 million, which will be used for education and technology transfer in the areas of agriculture and livestock, human resources development, training, automobile repairs and IT. The international development cooperation projects will be granted KRW 350 million, which will be used for the construction and maintenance of social infrastructure including roads, medical and educational facilities, childcare facilities, and other necessary facilities in rural villages.
The official in charge said, “The countries that receive the aid will be selected towards the end of March following public bidding and a subsequent selection process. Details for application and selection will be posted on the Gyeonggi Province website by the end of January.”
Gyeonggi Province plans to support a number of underdeveloped and developing countries in Asia with the priority on its sister and friendship regions, countries that need humanitarian aid or with which Korea needs to enhance its natural resources diplomacy in the mid- and long-term, and countries where Korean expatriates live, in that order.
Imbued with a spirit of humanitarianism, Gyeonggi Province supports ODA projects to help underdeveloped countries execute sustainable development projects and to enhance friendship and cooperation between them and Korea. Gyeonggi Province first began its involvement in ODA projects in 2003 with participation in disaster relief, and has participated in related projects every year since 2005.
In 2011, Gyeonggi Province provided KRW 489 million in support for nine projects in seven countries including: a pilot agricultural income development project in Kampot, Cambodia; a well-digging project to improve the potable water supply on the outskirts of Ulan Bator, Mongolia; an irrigation and household water supply improvement project in the Philippines; and an elementary school classroom reconstruction support project in Battambang, Cambodia. So far, Gyeonggi Province has supported 54 projects with funds of KRW 3.36 billion.
<Gyeonggi ODA Projects 2011>
1. Elementary School Classroom Reconstruction Support Project, Battambang, Cambodia
2. Well-digging Project to Improve the Potable Water Supply in the Outskirts of Ulan Bator, Mongolia
3. Pilot Agricultural Income Development Project in Kampot, Cambodia
4. e-Biz On-Site Training for Indonesian Female Public Officials
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