Beating high oil prices with high-efficiency products

Createdd 2012-03-14 Hit 590


Beating high oil prices with high-efficiency products
(Published February 17, 2012)

[(3) Gyeonggi Green Industry Fostering Policies] Commercialization of High-Efficiency Energy Tech Products
-A new project for 2012: Gyeonggi Province will support the manufacture of energy-saving products

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◇ Governor Kim Moon-soo poses for a photo with Jeong Sun-won, president of Samchully Co., Ltd., and Kim Jong-shin, president of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co,, Ltd., at the Gyeonggi Provincial Government in April 2011, to commemorate their execution of an MOU on Gyeonggi Province’s New and Renewable Energy Development Projects. ⓒ G-News Plus

Gyeonggi Province implements ‘support for the commercialization of high-energy-efficient products’ in 2012 as part of its policy to develop the green industries in an era of high oil prices.

The project is designed to support the manufacturing costs of pilot products which are required to obtain certification as high-energy-efficient equipment and new renewable energy products.

‘High-energy-efficient equipment’ refers to devices that pass all the energy efficiency and quality tests administered by the relevant testing agencies.

‘New renewable energy’ refers to energy obtained through the transformation of existing fossil fuels or energy generated from renewable energy sources such as sunlight, water, geothermal heat and biological organisms.

Domestically, the following eleven types of energy are classified as sources of new renewable energy: (1) eight types of renewable energy including solar heat, biomass, wind power, small hydro-power, geothermal power, marine energy, and waste energy; and (2) three types of new energy such as fuel cells, coal liquefaction, and hydrogen energy.

In 2012, the province will support small and medium-sized provincial enterprises with a budget of KRW 300 million. The areas of support include product design, purchase of materials, and recruitment. More specifically, the companies can use the money in their production of pilot products, and for testing and retesting at their own testing facilities or at those of accrediting agencies.

In addition, the province also supports companies’ preparation of plans required to obtain high energy efficiency certificates, applications for certificate-related testing, pilot product production, notification of testing results, and marketing activities for their energy-efficient products and equipment.

Companies eligible for support include small and medium enterprises engaged in the production of electricity or the manufacture of machinery and equipment designed to reduce energy consumption. Applications are accepted any time after an announcement is posted on the website and daily newspapers.

Priority will be given to goods of higher energy efficiency in the category of ‘manufacturing of pilot products for high efficiency equipment.’ Up to 50% of the manufacturing costs will be supported on the basis of accreditation documents or the actual pilot product manufacturing costs. Each individual company can receive a maximum of KRW 2 million each.

A total of 37 items are eligible for support: 14 illumination items including 32W lamps and ballast stabilizers; 10 electrical items including inverters and transformers; and 13 heating items including boilers, three-phase induction lights and transformers.

The ‘manufacturing costs of pilot products for new renewable energy facilities’ will be supported, according to the accreditation data or pilot product manufacturing plan, for up to 50% of the costs within a ceiling of KRW 10 million for each company. Twenty-five items are included in the category of new renewable energy equipment and devices.

Seventy companies are eligible for support for ‘publicity and marketing for excellent energy reduction goods’ within a ceiling of KRW 2 million for each company. Priority will be given to products with the highest energy efficiency.

Marketing support will not be provided to goods that are already covered by catalogue manufacturing support, Green-All marketing or overseas trade promotional support.

Publicity will be carried out through Twitter in line with the latest trend.

Companies will receive opportunities to publicize their high-energy-efficiency products or new energy facilities on the official provincial Twitter account (@ggholic) as soon as their products are selected.

An official of the province was quoted as saying, “In this era of high energy prices, it is important to use energy efficiently. We anticipate that energy efficiency will be promoted through the provision of support for the commercialization of high-energy-efficient products.”

ⓒ G-News Plus / Hong Ji-ye /