Let’s ride a tank! Security and Disaster Equipment Expo 2012 (1st half)

Createdd 2012-07-04 Hit 569


Let’s ride a tank!
Security and Disaster Equipment Expo 2012 (1st half)
Published June 22, 2012)

1292711659.jpg Images◇ A child visiting the Security and Disaster Equipment Expo on June 21st is amazed to be riding on the top of a combat vehicle. ⓒ G-News Plus / Heo Seon-ryanㅎ

Armored rocket launchers are positioned in a row on the northern provincial government complex. The facial expression of the solider standing guard in front of the vehicles looks deadly serious. The person peeking out of the armored vehicle is none other than an 8-year-old boy. A little bit shy about the new experience of being in a tank, he is nevertheless enjoying himself. Saying that he wants to get in a military helicopter, the boy quickly gets out of the tank and salutes the soldier, giving the people watching something to smile about.

The Security and Disaster Equipment Expo 2012 (1st half) hosted by Gyeonggi Province opened on the 20th. Residents can not only actually touch and ride military equipment and vehicles, but can also take part in the many activities offered at the expo, including weather forecasting, using a two-way radio, and using a fire hydrant. An autograph-signing event was also held with actor Kim Hye-seong, who is currently doing his mandatory military service, and singer Jeong Yun-hak.1356628035.jpg Images◇ At the expo, children view a tank and enjoy themselves. ⓒ G-News Plus / Heo Seon-ryang

The most popular section of the expo was without a doubt the helicopter and armored vehicles that people could enter. The experience was especially popular among children who had not only never seen such massive vehicles before, but had also never boarded them. Family visitors waited in line to board the helicopter and to take pictures, all the while enjoying the whole experience.

Lee Sang-jun of Singok-dong, Uijeongbu, who visited the expo with his two grandchildren, said, “I saw an ad on my apartment notice board and came to show these things to my grandchildren. Even though they are too young to know about war or patriotism, I think just a visit like this in itself is meaningful for them.”

Lee Seong-min of 2-dong, Uijeongbu, who brought his first grade son to the expo, said, “On the way to the expo, I had a reason to tell him about the Korean War and our national history.” He added with a satisfied smile, “This is especially important for boys who will have to do compulsory military service some day.”1254992169.jpg Images◇ Special martial arts demonstration prepared by ROK Third Army ⓒ G-News Plus / Heo Seon-ryang

In addition to these activities, a security-themed drawing contest was held outside the expo, with more than 300 kindergarten and elementary students participating. The special martial arts demonstration given by the ROK Third Army, the Eighth US Army military band, and the gun salute by the military guard of honor received loud cheers from the audience.

With the help of the Munsan Regional Meteorological Office, a weather forecasting event was held and free CDs of the video were given out, attracting a great crowd. The Security and Disaster Exhibition included a display of unearthed army remains, enemy invasion equipment, North Korean human rights photographs, and Korean War photographs, drawing attention from elderly visitors who actually experienced the painful history of the war.

Mun Dong-rim of 2-dong Uijeongbu, taking a tour around the stadium and looking at the newest combat equipment, said, smiling, “Looking at this new equipment makes the ones I used during my military service look like toys…things sure have changed over the years.”

A provincial official said, “In honor of the Month of the Fatherland, we organized this event so local residents can come and experience military equipment in order to foster a sense of national security.” He also stated, “With more than 10,000 visitors and great interest from the public, we want to plan other related events.1335857737.jpg Images◇ Governor Kim Moon-soo, Army Corps Commander Gwon Tae-o, and 51st Army Division Commander Jang Gwang-hyeon, pose along with other officials for a commemorative picture in front of a helicopter at the expo on the 21st. ⓒ G-News Plus / Heo Seon-ryang

ⓒ G-News Plus News / Roh Kyoeng-hui khrohh@kg21.net
