IT Self-health Service, Catching Two Birds
Createdd 2012-11-29 Hit 528
IT Self-health Service, Catching Two Birds
(Published November 07, 2012)
Delegation from Denmark visits Sangnoksu Health Center in Ansan City… Tour of diabetes IT self-service site
◇ The delegation from Denmark taking commemorative pictures while visiting the Sangnoksu Health Center in Ansan City ⓒ G-News Plus
In order to research the diabetes IT self-health service promoted by Gyeonggi Province, a delegation from Denmark visited the province on November 7.
The delegation from Denmark was made up of Nyborg Mayor Erik Christensen and eleven other people. They visited the Sangnoksu Health Center in Ansan City where a trial project is under way. They viewed the blood pressure equipment, diabetes registration management service, IT self-health service, and IT equipment systems.
Since 2009, Denmark has been carrying out a wide-ranging project to introduce advanced IT technology in order to improve the quality of medical services and to reduce the cost of healthcare.
The visiting delegation seek to implement a service similar to the one here in their own country.
With the basis for chronic disease registration management system now in place, the province signed an agreement with the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, KT, and QualComm last April for the development of a national chronic disease management model. The agreement resulted in ‘Q-care,’ a diabetes self-blood sugar management service using cutting-edge IT technologies with 3G wireless communication networks and smartphone applications.◇ Gyeonggi Province is conducting verification research to determine the effectiveness of the current IT self-health service business.
Explaining the user instructions to the Denmark delegation ⓒ G-News Plus
The province is carrying out a pilot run of the diabetes IT-based self-health service in Ansan City and Gwangmyeong City.
The 338 residents of Ansan City who are using the service have been able to increase their levels of self-management by consulting their blood sugar level, food intake level, and activity level information on their smartphones, sent to them by a wireless blood sugar-level measuring instrument and communicator. An emergency text is sent to the education center monitoring system and the patient’s guardian when a dangerously high or low blood sugar level is recorded, allowing caregivers to respond immediately.
The province is conducting research on the effectiveness of the IT self-health service business. Upon completion of its scientific verification in 2013, it is expected that the service will not only contribute to the management of chronic diseases in Korea and abroad but also to the development of the IT industry.
◇ The Denmark delegation plans to implement an IT self-health service initiative. ⓒ G-News Plus
ⓒ G-News Plus / Park Gwan-sik /