Gyeonggi Provincial Museum and NJP Art Center obtains world-wide recognition.
Createdd 2013-05-09 Hit 513
Gyeonggi Provincial Museum and NJP Art Center obtains world-wide recognition.
(Published April 12, 2013)
Recorded as one of the popular exhibitions in the world, selected by <The Art Newspaper> of UK
◇ Front view of Nam June Paik Art Center ⓒ G-News
Four exhibitions including ‘Gyeonggi Rice Special Exhibition’ and ‘Chaekgeori Screen Paintings’ of Gyeonggi Provincial Museum and ‘X-sound: John Cage, Nam June Paik and After’ and ‘Nostalgia is an Extended Feedback’ of Nam June Paik Art Center (NJP Art Center) were recorded as the most popular exhibitions of 2012, selected by the Art Newspaper of UK.
The Art Newspaper is a culture and arts specialized monthly magazine of UK, which has the international authority and information power. It announces statistics of the previous year on the April edition of every year. In the recently published April edition of this year, it announced the most popular exhibitions of 2012 among the world’s museums and art galleries, based on the number of daily visitors during the exhibition period.
And here in part of special exhibition of local-government-run museums and art centers excluding national ones were selected Special exhibitions of Gyeonggi Provincial Museum and NJP Art Center.
Gyeonggi Provincial Museum exhibited traditional Chaekgeori (paintings of books and stationery), articles which were subject matters for Chaekgeori and modern artworks at ‘Chaekgeori Screen Paintings: History of Studies from the Joseon Dynasty to Modern Times (March 21 to June 10 of 2012)’ in last March, which shed light on the lives of scholars in Joseon Dynasty in an interesting way. From July, the museum held ‘Gyeonggi Rice Special Exhibition: Rice for harvest, Rice for milling, and Rice for food (July 19 to September 2)’, in which various experience programs were operated such as ‘Straw-crafting : small basket’, ‘Producing performance of processed food with Gyeonggi rice’, and ‘Traditional alcohol Bouijoo making’ as well as displaying the origin of familiar Gyeonggi rice.
The two exhibitions had 951 and 1164 visitors for a day, respectively and a total of 110,151 visitors during the exhibition period.◇ Visitors are watching Gyeonggi Rice Special Exhibition at Gyeonggi Provincial Museum. ⓒ G-News / Heo Seon-ryang
Nam June Paik Art Center, commemorating the 80th anniversary of the birth of Name June Paik, held ‘X-sound; John Cage, Name June Paik and After (March 9 to July 1)’ last year, and displayed the encounter and interchange of Name June Paik and John Cage, investigation of the values in terms of art history, and performances of contemporary sound artists who handed down the two masters’ artistic heritage. ‘X-sound’ refers to the sounds met at the critical point of the sound perception range through various space-and-time experiences.
In addition, the exhibition ‘Nostalgia is an Extended Feedback (July 20, 2012 to January 20, 2013)’ exhibited Nam June Paik’s world by displaying his monumental artworks, video synthesizers where visitors can see the principle of art production, and other artists’ works who shared and extended the critical mind of Nam June Paik. These exhibitions had 643 and 836 visitors for a day, respectively, and a total of 199,855 visitors during the exhibition period.
One official from Culture and Art Department of Gyeonggi Province said, “It is very stimulating that Gyeonggi Province’s museum and art center gained recognition for their exhibition qualities.” He added, “It is important to offer quality services to visitors by constantly improving the level.”
ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News | Park Gwan-sik