Gyeonggi Province sharply reduces household wastes.

Createdd 2013-12-09 Hit 497


Gyeonggi Province sharply reduces household wastes.
(Published May 09, 2013)

Gyeonggi Province pushes ahead with clean Gyeonggi Province with 100% recycling of resources.

1.jpg Images◇ Gyeonggi Province plans to extend reuse and recycling with a new awareness of the values of wastes, to eradicate waste dumping with resident’s participation and to manage vulnerable districts so that it makes the province clean. The picture is Gyeonggi Governor Kim Moon-soo participating in the one-day environment cleaning experience October last year. ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News / Yoo Jae-hoon
Commemorating ‘2018 New Millennium Year of Gyeonggi’, Gyeonggi Province challenges 100% recycling of resources. That is, it plans to extend reuse and recycling with a new awareness of the values of wastes, to eradicate waste dumping with participation of 100 million provincial residents and to manage vulnerable districts so that it makes the province clean.
For this to achieve, Gyeonggi Province will expand road environment watchdogs (3500 people), Adopt-A-Highway project (791㎞), and Cleannuri project (700 sites), and reduce direct reclamation of untreated wastes by reuse, recycling, and thorough separate collection of wastes in, for example, sharing markets (80 sites) and common collection places of wastes in rural areas (121 sites).
The province plans to continuously push ahead with environmental value education which combines experience, volunteer, and learning programs, e.g. by operating Green Village School, where residents can deal with and learn about environmental problems in the village by themselves. Also, it plans to operate the internet blog for communication and social consensus with residents.
In particular, before considering how to treat the wastes, the province became aware of waste reduction and resources recycling as the key to resolving problems. Therefore it determined to ultimately reduce wastes by 100 g Reduction Movement per one resident and to realize zero-percent reclamation of untreated wastes by thorough separate collection and recycling.
In addition, it plans to incinerate or generate energy from overall wastes except incineration ashes and nonflammable wastes with the goal of 100% self-treatment of household wastes in the province by 2017.
Currently, Gyeonggi Province operates 5,130 tons-per-day capacity of incineration facilities, and Pyeongtaek and Siheung City, which don’t have the treatment facilities, disclaim wastes under the ground. However, after MBT facility is completed in Pyeongtaek City and regional incineration facility is equipped in Siheung City by 2017, only incineration ashes and some nonflammable wastes will be reclaimed under the ground.

Moreover, Gyeonggi Province, aware of wastes as resources, is steadily increasing recycling rate, incinerating household wastes in each regional facilities, and selling the remaining waste heat, yielding yearly KRW 29.7 billion in profit. Also, it operates 2 RDF production facilities, where solid fuel is produced with wastes, in Bucheon and Gapyeong, and sells daily 60 tons of solid fuel.

Meanwhile, by integrating waste incineration between cities and counties of the province, it plans for the optimal treatment of wastes, increasing economic efficiency of waste treatment facilities, and extensive repair of old incineration facilities instead of building new ones for the purpose of life extension and cost reduction.

One official from Gyeonggi Province put an emphasis on the need of resources recycling, saying “We will make clean Gyeonggi by reducing household wastes, eradicating waste dumping and managing vulnerable districts, and extending recycling together with the provincial residents.”
 2.jpg Images◇ Gyeonggi Province plans to incinerate or generate energy from overall wastes except incineration ashes and nonflammable wastes with the goal of 100% self-treatment of household wastes in the province by 2017. The photo is a front view of the incineration plant of Hwaseong City. ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News
ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News | Chun Gyeong-nam