Gyeonggi Province administrative system to change in the New Year
Createdd 2014-01-14 Hit 470
The fire department engages in prompt rescue operations regardless of jurisdiction
Red express buses provide real-time information on available seats starting October
Starting this year, if a fire is reported, a fire station adjacent to the reported scene will respond immediately, regardless of jurisdiction, to enable more prompt fire suppression and rescue operations. From October, red express buses will provide real-time information on available seats through smart phones and a website for passenger convenience. Let’s look at the administrative system of Gyeonggi Province and the changes it is undergoing this year, which can be categorized into eight fields including general administration, industry and economics.
Starting from the first day of this year, the Gyeonggi Fire Service is operating the Disaster Control Center through which all calls and responses in the province are integrated and managed. ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News Heo Seon-ryang
▶Fire protection
Starting from the first day of this year, the Gyeonggi Fire Service is operating the Disaster Control Center through which all calls and responses in the province are integrated and managed. Accordingly, the response system, which previously focused on the jurisdictions of fire stations, has changed based on the shortest response distance regardless of jurisdiction. Websites operated separately by each fire station are integrated into the Gyeonggi Fire Services website for the combined management of the Clean Report Center – including reports of businesses that violate the Fire Services Act – which also provides integrated services such as applications for fire safety education and training materials.
▶City, transportation and construction
From October this year, red express buses will provide real-time information on available seats. The relevant information of 282 red express buses on 18 routes will be delivered to users through smart phones and a website. Displays of the information via electronic bulletin boards placed at bus stops will be gradually augmented in each city and county.
Currently, standing room is not allowed on the red express buses; therefore, people had to endure the inconvenience of aimlessly waiting their buses if all seats were occupied. The existing transportation information system, which provided only communication data on the metropolitan roads, now also provides information on unexpected situations such as construction, events or traffic accidents, and is therefore expected to increase convenience for drivers.
In the field of urban housing, redevelopment districts that had been neglected for a long time or have no project records will be canceled. Cancelation will be promoted in consideration of estimated allotments, economic feasibility of the project, outlook for housing sales, the possibility of union establishment, and the normal operation status of the promotion committee. The improved ordinances containing such revisions for the urban and residential environments of Gyeonggi Province were announced back in October last year.
From October this year, red express buses will provide real-time information on available seats. The photograph shows a red bus shelter at Sadang Station. ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News Heo Seon-ryang
▶General administration
New and consigned buildings of Gyeonggi Province and its cities and counties as well as projects to be deliberated by the Gyeonggi Province Construction Committee and City Planning Commission must undergo review for environmental design to prevent crime. Moreover, public institutions and buildings will consider the underprivileged – such as the elderly, children and the disabled – by undergoing universal design deliberation. Gyeonggi Province is implementing a design advisor system to oversee all public design fields including these projects starting from January 1 this year.
▶Industry and economics
A self-competing interest system has been implemented for the first time in Korea for the management of supporting funds for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), enabling those enterprises to use funds at lower interest rates than before. For cooperatives that have recently been booming, a special warranty of KRW 100 million or less is provided in support for each firm. Furthermore, there are support funds of KRW 18.75 billion – provincial funds of KRW 15 billion and city funds of KRW 3.75 billion – to be provided to the vitalization projects of six cities and counties (Yeoncheon, Gapyeong, Yangpyeong, Yeoju, Pocheon and Dongducheon) based on ordinances for supporting the balanced regional development of Gyeonggi Province.
▶Culture, sports and tourism
The Gyeonggi Culture Creation Hub will be established at the Public Support Center in Pangyo Techno Valley to support aspiring entrepreneurs and start-ups in the cultural contents industry. Gyeonggi Province will provide support for 5,000 aspiring entrepreneurs and start-ups by 2018 at a rate of 1,000 companies a year. The province also plans to support in-depth counseling to prevent suicide, identifying those at risk, and the Unlimited Life Love Healing Center will oversee care services. Concurrently, Camp Greaves in Paju City will be transformed into the DMZ Security Experience Center, offering 70 security experience programs a year.
Camp Greaves in Paju City will be transformed into the DMZ Security Experience Center, offering 70 security experience programs a year. ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News Yoo Je-hoon
▶Agricultural administration, livestock production and forestry
The admission fee for the Mulhyanggi Arboretum operated by Gyeonggi Province will be raised, and a target for free admission will be added. Based on the fees for adults, the admission fee will rise 100% from KRW 1,000 to KRW 2,000 for individuals and from KRW 700 to KRW 1,500 for groups. If the local government head or principals of schools within the province request field experience programs in writing, the relevant youths can be admitted free of charge.
▶Health, welfare and women
Internet Dream Keeper, an online citizen watchdog group that voluntarily monitors and reports harmful websites, started its activities from January 1. The group consists of 200 Gyeonggi Province residents aged 18 and above, and each case they report will be recognized as three hours of community service.
An alert system for ultrafine airborne particles that have recently emerged as a concern is being implemented from January 1. Gyeonggi Province has divided its 31 cities and counties into four areas, and will issue a warning if the average concentration exceeds 120㎍/㎥for two hours, and an alert at the level of 250㎍/㎥. If an alert is issued, the infirm and the elderly should refrain from going outdoors, and kindergartens should refrain from holding outdoor classes or shorten school hours.
Internet Dream Keeper, an online citizen watchdog group that voluntarily monitors and reports harmful websites, started its activities from January 1. The photograph shows an unsafe website. ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News Yoo Je-hoon
ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News | Park Gwan-sik