Gyeonggi provincial administration to change in 2014

Createdd 2014-01-28 Hit 566


All farmers can cultivate idle farmland; military deregulation of land area 40 times larger than Yeouido

Gyeonggi Province announced upcoming changes in its provincial administration for 2014 at an executive meeting held on January 8. There will be changes in the policies and systems of each bureau and division, including the expansion of farmland utilization, the simplification of real estate documentation, the enforcement of the basic pension system, the provision of ultrafine airborne particle alerts, the advancement of industrial complex specialization, and the deregulation of military districts.

1.jpg ImagesNow qualification as a farming agent of idle farmland has expanded from neighborhood farmers to all farmers and agricultural corporations. ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News 

■ Farmland keeps up with changing situations: Agricultural Administration Bureau

Starting in 2014, solar energy generators can be installed on the roofs of farmhouses and stables in agricultural development regions. Existing permissions previously limited such installations to small hydropower and wind power generators.

The installation of livestock waste recycling and sanitation facilities will also be allowed in agricultural development regions; consequently, the creation of additional income is expected through the production of bioenergy utilizing manure, liquid fertilizers and animal byproducts. Furthermore, qualification as a farming agent of idle farmland has expanded from neighborhood farmers to all farmers and agricultural corporations. These changes are expected to secure supplementary energy sources, generate additional farm income, and promote the utilization of idle farmland.

■ Convenient processing through a unified real estate document: Urban Housing Office

Gyeonggi Province will integrate real estate information and implement services to access and issue real estate information provided through various forms of customized data (comprehensive, registered, and selective) starting on January 18. In the past, people had to request access to and issuance of information in accordance with 18 service types or by each public record, which caused public inconvenience and wasted administrative resources.

Now people can receive land (forest land) registers, cadastral maps (forest land map), building registers, land use plan confirmations, housing prices and appraised land values all in one format, thereby increasing customer convenience and the reliability of real estate information.

■ An alert system for ultrafine airborne particles is being implemented in January: Environment Bureau

To prevent potential harm to public health, an alert system for high-concentrations of ultrafine airborne particles from China is being implemented in January. Gyeonggi Province will issue a warning if the average concentration exceeds  120㎍/㎥ for two hours, and an alert if the average concentration exceeds 250㎍/㎥ for two hours.

When a warning or an alert is issued, Gyeonggi Province will notify the press and the Office of Education, send SMS messages to the relevant officials of vulnerable facilities, and post real-time air pollution levels on its website. Cities and counties will convey this information and tips to respond publically via electronic environment boards and 7,866 electronic bus information boards, as well as to general hospitals and vulnerable facilities. The Office of Education will send notifications to 4,276 elementary, middle and high schools.

2.jpg Images◇ Starting on July 1, the Basic Senior Pensions Act will be replaced by the Basic Pensions Act to reduce poverty issues among and provide stability for senior citizens. ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News 

■ Implementing the basic pension: Health & Welfare Bureau

Starting on July 1, the Basic Senior Pensions Act will be replaced by the Basic Pensions Act to reduce poverty issues among and provide stability for senior citizens. The relevant budget of Gyeonggi Province (government + provincial + city and county expenses) will increase 1.5 times, from KRW 716.1 billion to KRW 1.1574 trillion.

The increased pension amount is expected to contribute to resolving welfare blind spots and stabilizing living standards among senior citizens. A maximum of KRW 200,000 will be provided to single individuals and KRW 320,000 to couples. Currently, this act is pending before the Health and Welfare Committee of the National Assembly, and beneficiaries must be within the lowest 70% range in income, as was the case with the previous act.

■ Industrial complex with books, coffee, culture and love: Culture & Sports & Tourism Bureau

The revitalization of the Paju Book City complex and the creation of over 200 new jobs is expected with the granting of permission to establish and operate book cafes within the complex in February and March. The range of additional facilities to be permitted will be determined flexibly for specialized development of the complex and will focus on specific businesses according to the revised Enforcement Regulations of the Industrial Cluster Vitalization and the Plant Establishment Act of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

Accordingly, 100 book cafes will be established within the Paju Book City complex. Works by artists from the Gyeonggi Creation Center will be displayed in the book cafes, and the Gyeonggi Arts Center will visit the cafes to present cultural and art performances.

■ Land area 40 times larger than Yeouido will be returned to Gyeonggi Province residents: Safety Administration Office

Starting in January, areas subject to military deregulation can be developed by residents without consent or approval from the military, thereby improving the value of resident assets. The relevant areas are 40 times larger than Yeouido and include the Suwon emergency landing strip (8.06㎢/2.41 million pyeong), Icheon airfield (85.17㎢/25.55 million pyeong), and Pocheon airfield (5.61㎢/1.68 million pyeong).

Currently, military districts in Gyeonggi Province account for a land area of 2397㎢ (23% of the province) and a flight safety zone of 753㎢; these areas can be developed only with the consent of military authorities. The removal of military regulations is expected to reduce time and costs for residents, improve asset values, and vitalize the regional economy.

3.jpg ImagesStarting in January, areas subject to military deregulation can be developed by residents without consent or approval from the military. The photograph shows a signing ceremony held on December 30, 2013, at the Aviation Operations Command in Icheon for the transfer of administrative authority. ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News News Yoo Je-hoon

ⓒGyeonggi G-News | Park Gwan-sik