[Gyeonggi Sewol Countermeasures Headquarters] Gyeonggi organizes Missing Persons Countermeasures Headquarters

Createdd 2014-04-24 Hit 446


Also organizes Bereaved Families Countermeasures Headquarters and applies for assistance of KRW 8.957 billion via special subsidy tax

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◇ The Gyeonggi Joint Countermeasures Headquarters organized the Missing Persons Countermeasures Headquarters and Bereaved Families Countermeasures Headquarters on April 21. ⓒ Gyeonggi G News Yoo Je-hoon

With regard to the Jindo ferry accident, the Gyeonggi Joint Countermeasures Headquarters organized the Missing Persons Countermeasures Headquarters and Bereaved Families Countermeasures Headquarters.

The Countermeasures Headquarters announced on April 21 that they have formed the Missing Persons Countermeasures Headquarters consisting of 13 members (10 parents’ representatives, 1 teachers’ representative, 1 citizens’ representative and 1 general representative), and the Bereaved Families Countermeasures Headquarters consisting of 11 members (9 parents, the head of the student steering committee, and the head of the General Affairs Division of Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education).

As Ansan City was proclaimed as special disaster area on April 20 along with Jindo County, Gyeonggi Province also applied for assistance of 8.957 billion KRW via a special subsidy tax. 

The headquarters is providing medical and family support by offering personnel and equipment to help emergency relief efforts, and is supporting the underwater search with the dispatch of a total of 973 personnel to the Jindo site including firefighters and volunteers.

ⓒGyeonggi G News | Lee Jun-gyun eyekle@hanmail.net
