Gyeonggi’s Unlimited Care and Company SOS win National Brand Awards

Createdd 2014-05-08 Hit 486


Unlimited Care wins for 4 consecutive years and Company SOS for 2 consecutive years

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◇ Gyeonggi Province’s Unlimited Care (Muhandolbom) Program and Company SOS System won top honors at the National Brand Awards 2014. Pictured: The awards ceremony held on April 2 at Lotte Hotel Seoul. ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News

Unlimited Care Program and the Company SOS System, which represent Gyeonggi Province, won top honors at the National Brand Awards 2014.

Gyeonggi Province announced that the Unlimited Care (Muhandolbom) Program has won the grand prize for four consecutive years in the Welfare Service category, and Company SOS for two consecutive years in the Corporate Difficulties Support Service category at the 2014National Brand Awards hosted by JoongAng Ilbo and the Economist and sponsored by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The awards ceremony was held on April 2 at Lotte Hotel Seoul.

The Unlimited Care Program devised by Gyeonggi Province is the first welfare support initiative in Korea to aid low-income families who cannot receive standard support due to ineligibility per existing system requirements.

The program provided support valued at KRW 95.2 billion to a total of 87,000-odd households from 2008 to 2013. From February last year, the province has been operating the Visiting Unlimited Care Center through which related officials personally visit low-income areas; they visited 13,000 households and supported 5,500 households during the first year of operation.

Due to the recently increasing number of cases in which people abandon hope due to financial burdens and pessimism, the province has announced comprehensive measures to resolve issues in neglected areas by reinforcing the Unlimited Care Program.

In the Company SOS System, public officials personally visit companies to ascertain the difficulties of the requester or entrepreneur from the companies’ point of view, and resolve the difficulties promptly through cooperation between organizations.

This system was originally introduced when Gyeonggi Province established the Company SOS Support Center, the first of its kind in Korea, in April of 2007 to resolve difficulties faced by companies. By 2013, it had handled 81,392 cases submitted by 49,479 companies. It was the only such system among all local governments in Korea to be presented as an exemplary case at the first Ministerial Meeting of Regulatory Reform as well as at the Private-Public Joint Conference of Regulatory Reform Inspection presided over by Korean President Park Geun-hye on March 20.

ⓒGyeonggi G-News | Lee Jun-gyun