Support project for ‘Study Room of Dreams’ to foster future talents to be executed
Createdd 2014-05-16 Hit 1694
-Support project for ‘Study Room of Dreams’ to foster future talents to be executed-
Renovation for study areas in 20 regional children centers in Gyeonggi-do and learning materials to be sponsored
Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation is executing ‘Support project for Study Room of Dreams’ as part of social contribution project in order to foster the future talents of the region.
The ‘Support project for Study Room of Dreams’ is an environment-friendly learning area for regional children centers for children from low-income groups. It is the representative social contribution project of Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation in the field of education that renovates the learning spaces and provides support for them in the form of learning materials.
The Corporation, together with Gyeonggi Community Chest of Korea and Korean Regional Children Center Council’s Gyeonggi Council has appointed 20 regional children centers and supports 9 million Won in renovation of learning spaces and learning materials.
Application for support can be made through Gyeonggi Council under Korean Regional Children Center Council ( and the application period is from May 13th (Tues) ~ May 19th (Mon), 2014.
The Corporation commenced by improving the study rooms in 4 centers for underprivileged children in 2010 with the objective of supporting the dreams of the children in vulnerable social groups within the province and until 2013, the ‘Support project for Study Room of Dreams’ had been executed in a total of 19 regional children centers.
Moreover, the Corporation is expected to execute a social contribution program in the second half of the year in order to provide various performances and cultural experiences to children in the regional children centers.