“Gyeonggi Province will increase job openings in public service”

Createdd 2014-10-15 Hit 547


Service Industry Development Conference for Job Creation on September 12 


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◇ Governor Nam delivers greeting remarks at the 2014 Service Industry Development Conference held at Seoul Post Tower on September 12.

Governor Nam pointed out that excessive supply should be reduced in order to vitalize the service industry.

At the 2014 Service Industry Development Conference held at Seoul Post Tower on September 12, Governor Nam said, “While the service industry faces oversupply, a large number of people continue to enter the industry (as self-employed), creating a structural problem. We need to find a solution to increase productivity by turning self-employed labor into social services, and thereby reducing excess supply.”

“Going forward, we should do our utmost to create jobs through the service industry. Gyeonggi Province will create more public service jobs,” he added.

Hosted by the Gyeonggi Research Institute (GRI) and the Federation of Service Industries (FSI), and sponsored by Gyeonggi Province, the conference was arranged to seek solutions to develop the service industry which supports economic growth through the expansion of domestic infrastructure and job creation. Participants principally discussed how to create jobs through vitalization of the service industry.  

During his presentation, entitled ‘Medium-and Long-Term Plan to Develop Gyeonggi Service Industry,’ Lee Sang-hoon, a senior researcher at GRI, suggested, “The service industry should be nurtured to create jobs and to increase growth potential. We should set ‘Global Hub of the Knowledge Service Industry’ as a vision for the service industry, and we need to vitalize start-up service businesses, foster SMEs, support convergence industries, vitalize global networks, and establish innovative clusters.”

Park Jeong-soo, a head researcher of the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET), set forth his opinion in his presentation, entitled ‘Strategy for Korea’s Service Industry Growth and High Value Added Development,’ by saying, “It is job creation that we need to seek from the service industry. When the added value and labor productivity of Korea’s service industry are taken into account, it is appropriate to expand the service sector which creates greater added value.” 


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◇ At the conference, participants principally discussed how to create jobs through vitalization of the service industry.                       

In his congratulatory remarks, Gang Seok-hoon, a National Assembly member (Saenuri Party representative of the National Assembly Strategy and Finance Committee), said, “Job creation in the service industry is a must. I think this job creation conference, which starts in Gyeonggi Province, has significance, and I hope that Gyeonggi Province will serve as an exemplary case so that other cities and provinces can benchmark it.”

Presided over by FSI Vice President Kim Hyeon-soo, the conference focused on setting up measures for vitalization of the service industry relative to other industries.

Handy Soft CEO Lee Sangsan pointed out, “While the weight of the service industry is on an increasing trend, its added value has decreased remarkably compared to existing industries such as manufacturing. We need to deliberate how to create jobs through new services.”

“The software and knowledge industries have long been discussed as high value added industries in Korea, but they are being developed in a way similar to that of the construction industry. Proper assessments should be made on high added values,” said Xiilab CEO Lee Wooyung.

At a session of Business Field Voice, Ho Geum-ok, CEO of Heemang Co. Ltd., made recommendations including: improvement of the visa system to attract more medical tourists; relaxation of regulations for DMZ visitors; improvement of systems for the utilization of tourism resources such as mines and caves; permission to increase the entrance quota of colleges located nearby areas shared with US forces in Korea; and revision of the credit guaranty statutes of city/county regional credit guarantee foundations for individuals. 


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◇ Xiilab CEO Lee Wooyung speaks during the panel discussion.
