Renewal of administration system of Gyeonggi Province in 2015

Createdd 2015-01-08 Hit 461


Gyeonggi Province announced its revised administration system in seven areas including general administration, industry and economy

Support for unsecured investment in promising start-ups, village buses for safe returns home, and more innovative measures are included 

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◇ With the ‘innovative wings’ of a newly revised administration system, Gyeonggi Province is soaring from this new year of 2015. Pictured: Governor Nam making comments at monthly morning meeting in December ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News Heo Seon-ryang

From 2015, Gyeonggi Province will soar on the ‘innovative wings’ of a newly revised administration system.

A notable innovative measure is the provision of provincial investment funds without security to start-ups that possess outstanding ideas and technologies. A late-night safe shuttle bus system will be launched for vulnerable individuals such as women, the elderly and infirm, as well as youths so as to ensure returns home. To foster development in northern Gyeonggi regions, a northern Gyeonggi research institute will be established to conduct diverse policy research. 

We have reviewed the new administration system, effective from the beginning of 2015, in the seven areas below, including general administration, and industry and economy. 

▶General Administration

The Gyeonggi Research Institute, currently located only in the southern part of Gyeonggi Province, is establishing a research facility in the northern part. Scheduled to open in January of 2015, the Northern Gyeonggi Research Institute will conduct research on policy development, inter-Korean exchange, and DMZ border areas so to improve the quality of life in northern Gyeonggi areas. 

An ombudsman system of private investigation will be operated to examine long-pending civil petitions regarding grievances and to identify cases of unfair administrative dispositions. Seven ombudsmen who are legal and administrative experts will assume mediation and communication roles in civil petitions, and will also fulfill audit request roles for unfair administrative dispositions.

▶Industry and Economy

In compliance with the enactment of the ordinance on living wages in Gyeonggi Province, those workers (short-term and indefinite duration employment contracts) who are directly employed by the province will be provided with living wages. Pay raises of 110 to 120 percent of current salary levels are being reviewed, with the amounts to be confirmed by end of February.  

A special guarantee support system is has been created to help unsuccessful startup founders restart. Those who are in the process of recovering credit, making arrear payments, and those who received small loans are eligible to apply for the support system. Applicants should pass the screening of the restart evaluation committee to receive support. The special guarantee system has been earmarked a total of KRW 10 billion so as to provide a support of up to KRW 100 million per business.  

From February, ‘G-Superman Band,’ an investment fund for startups, will be launched. Starting from 2015, the province will establish a fund of KRW 20 billion (KRW 5 billion from Gyeonggi Province and KRW 15 billion from the private sector) annually to make investments without security in startups that possess competitive ideas and technologies. The province has a proactive investment policy of deducting losses, if they occur, from the invested funds first. 

The SME Policy Fund, which currently amounts to KRW 2.5 trillion, will be increased to KRW 3.1 trillion won from 2015.

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◇ Governor Nam responds to civil petitions at ‘Let’s Meet the Governor!’ ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News Yu Je-hun

▶Culture, Sports and Tourism

In 2015, as part of the ‘Year of Gyeonggi Folk Culture’ project, which is being promoted jointly by Gyeonggi Province and the National Folklore Museum, a declaration ceremony, scientific research on Gyeonggi folklore, symposiums, folk events, special exhibitions and more will take place. 

The National Sport-For-All Festival, a grand festival for members of diverse sports clubs, will take place in Gyeonggi Province for the first time. Scheduled from May 14 to 17, the festival will be held in Icheon City and 10 additional cities and counties; approximately 20 thousand members from 55 types of sports clubs are expected to participate.

According to the ordinance enacted for the systematic preservation, maintenance and utilization of Namhansanseong Fortress, a mid-to long-term plan as well as a management committee and a Namhansanseong UNESCO World Heritage center will be established. 

The Gwanggyo Gyeonggi Culture Creation Hub will be set up in Gwanggyo Techno Valley with a mandate for the provision of support for research, development, and commercialization of cultural technologies, and for nurturing experts, in connection with the existing Gyeonggi Culture Creation Hub in Pangyo.

▶Agricultural, Stockbreeding, and Forestry Industries

Diagnosis of avian influenza (AI) is now possible in Gyeonggi Province. As the authority to diagnose AI, which was exclusively held by the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, has been extended to livestock health control organizations in provinces and cities, Gyeonggi Province will equip its relevant units with necessary elements including facilities, tools and manpower so as to secure designation as a diagnosis organization. 

In order to enhance the efficacy of imposing fines in substitution for penalties such as a fishing license suspension, the upper limit will be raised from KRW 20 million to 100 million. A new provision regarding types and usages of remedies for eliminating harmful organisms in shellfish farms determined by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has been added. 

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◇ In May, the National Sport-For-All Festival, a grand festival for members of diverse sports clubs, will take place in Gyeonggi Province for the first time. Pictured: ‘Night for Members of Sports Clubs in Gyeonggi Province’ held in December ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News Yu Je-hun

▶Health, Welfare and Women

In accordance with revisions made in the national basic livelihood security system by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the minimum cost of living for a 4-person family has been increased from KRW 1,630,820 to 1,668,329 won, and the cash payment for a 4-person family has increased by 2.3% from KRW 1,319,089 to 1,349,428 won. 

Free hepatitis A vaccinations will be added to the routine preventive inoculation program that currently offers free vaccinations against 13 infectious diseases to children under 12. The provision of free influenza vaccinations, offered to the elderly (65 and over) at public health centers, will be expanded to private medical care centers as well.

The ban on smoking in public places such as restaurants, bars and cafes larger than 100㎡ has been expanded to all types of restaurants, and the provision of allowing confined smoking sections will be removed.  


Support will be provided for a water pipe exchange project, particularly targeted at replacing interior water pipes and common pipes in old dwellings (over 20 years old). In 2015, a total of 30 thousand homes will be eligible for the support: total cost coverage will be supported for low income families, such as national basic livelihood act recipients and the secondary poor, who live in their own houses; those who own a house of 60㎡ or less will receive 80% of the cost; 50% support will be given to homes of 85㎡or less; and 30% support to homes of 130㎡or less. 

Since the enactment of the law on greenhouse gas emission trading, the cap-and-trade system has started in earnest for businesses with greenhouse gas emissions of over 125 thousand tons and for business places with emissions of over 25 thousand tons. Of those 525 businesses that are subject to the emission trading system, 84 are located in Gyeonggi Province. 

▶City, Transpiration and Construction

From January, a late-night safe shuttle bus system will be operated for vulnerable individuals such as women, the elderly, and teenagers ensuring returns home. Through the safe bus system, temporary bus stops will be designated in areas of higher crime risk; passengers can request to be dropped off at places other than regular bus stops during the system’s operation hours from 10:00 pm until the last bus. 

It is now possible to convert the pilotis area of an apartment house building into a resident common space if a two-thirds majority of all residents of the building agree. This is possible because the enforcement ordinance of the housing act was revised last November at the request of Gyeonggi Province. 

Due to an increase in corruption cases regarding the maintenance costs of apartments, any management entity for an apartment complex of over 300 households will be subject to an annual financial audit. Currently, a financial audit is made only when requested by over one-tenth of all residents or through the decision of the resident committee. 

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◇ The pilotis area of an apartment house building can be converted into a resident common space. Pictured: Gyeonggi Province apartment house quality inspection team conducts a site inspection this past December ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News Yu Je-hun

ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News | Park Gwan-sik