“We will create a big data service model through cooperation with the private sector”

Createdd 2015-02-17 Hit 548


Governor Nam hosted Export Forum for Big Fi Project on January 30 to collect opinions

Gyeonggi Province plans to establish Gyeonggi Data Portal in first of half year and to open public data

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◇ Governor Nam gave a welcoming address at the Export Forum for the Big Fi Project held on the afternoon of January 30. ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News Yoo Jae-hoon

“The best creativity comes from the private sector. If we are able to provide a discussion place for gathering such ideas, many constructive concepts can be formed. It is important to provide a place for cooperation from the first.”

Governor Nam hosted the Export Forum for Big Fi Project on January 30. At the forum, he said “I will propel the Big Fi Project by doing my utmost to maximize the participation of the private sector and to provide support.”

This forum was organized with the aim of deepening the big data field as discussed at the Next Safety Forum hosted by Governor Nam on January 12.

Many people participated in this forum hosted by Governor Nam on January 30, including: Kim Kyung-soo, chief of Spatial Information Promotion Division of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation (MOLIT); Park Young-jin, a researcher at the National Disaster and Safety Institute of the Ministry of Public Safety and Security (MPSS); Jo Sung-jun, a professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Seoul National University; Kang Dong-sseok, director of the Open Data Center of the National Information Society Agency; Lee Kyung-wook, a cell director for Naver Maps and Areas; Kang Soo-nam, CEO of Modu Company.; and Song Dong-hyun, CEO of WiredLab Co.

The participants discussed the public opening and utilization of Gyeonggi data as well as the establishment of a safety map.

During his presentation on support for the opening and private utilization of data,  Seo Bo-ram, Director General of the Information System Planning Bureau of Gyeonggi Province, said “From this year to 2017, Gyeonggi Province plans to step wisely in the opening of 1,038 types of provincial public data.”

According to his presentation, the province will find high-quality and high-value data in the areas of economy, transportation, and others that are needed by companies and will open them first this year. From next year, it will provide a system for comprehensive support from idea discovery and data utilization to the launch and operation of businesses.

In addition, the province will support preparations for a test bed from 2016 so that start-ups, entrepreneurs and others can utilize large-scale data and the development of technologies.

The safety map, which will be created on the basis of maps by collecting all information regarding disasters and safety, will be completed within this year.

To this end, Gyeonggi Province will collect and identify disaster and safety data in various fields such as fire, emergency rescue, storm and flood damage, and facility safety, and then open that data publicly via the Gyeonggi Data Portal that will be established in the first half of the year. It will also complete the development of a safety map on the basis of web and mobile utilization by the end of the year.

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◇ Governor Nam said, “I will propel the Big Fi Project by doing my utmost to maximize the participation of private sector and to provide support.” ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News Yoo Jae-hoon

The province is expected to utilize safety big data based on maps in the establishment of various safety policies such as inspections, accident prevention, facility renovation, and the dispatch of safety personnel.

Director General Seo said, “Gyeongg Province will prioritize the standardization and improvement of its data via data processes. The province aims to correct flaws through phased work before the opening of data to the public and the establishment of ordinances in the first half of this year.”

A range of opinions related to big data policies were gathered at this forum.

Kim Kyung-soo, the chief of the Spatial Information Promotion Division of the MOLIT, said, “Standardization is the key. Standardization should be discussed with MOLIT because it requires nationwide consistency. MOLIT will make efforts in the areas such as free education and consultation for the safety guidelines promoted by Gyeonggi Province.”

MPSS researcher Park Young-jin said, “Only a few dishes sell well from among 100 dishes on a menu. People want public safety, food safety and transportation. He continued, “Of particular note, since a platform plays the role of a hub for public institutions, we need an exclusive platform for Gyeonggi Province. We will proactively support this in order for the safety map of the MPSS to be utilized in Gyeonggi Province as a distribution map.”

Professor Jo Sung-jun of Seoul National University said, “It is desirable that Gyeonggi Province takes the lead in the initiation of data-opening policies. More so than the central government, local governments possess data that is useful to the public. Services that can appeal to the public such as food safety should be developed.”

Regarding this, Governor Nam said, “Today’s discussion was very meaningful. I want to support an app service for the Safety Map representing Gyeonggi Province. I’m considering the launch of an audition program in order to increase private sector participation and provide a place that can be utilized for safety or business purposes via big data.”