Iraqi public officials learn advanced public administration through Gyeonggi Province

Createdd 2015-10-28 Hit 1197


Iraqi public officials attend a training program at the Gyeonggi Provincial Human Resource Development Institute from October 20 to 30…Group visits the National Computing and Information Service, Anyang Traffic Information Center, and Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly

◇ A group of 20 Iraqi public officials will attend the Administrative Development Process Program, a global training program, at the Gyeonggi Provincial Human Resource Development Institute from October 20 to 30. Pictured: Iraqi delegation on a field trip ⓒ Gyeonggi Provincial Human Resource Development Institute

Iraqi public officials returned to the Gyeonggi Provincial Human Resource Development Institute once again to study Korea’s advanced public administration policies. 

Twenty Iraqi public officials will attend the Administrative Development Process Program, a global training program, at the Gyeonggi Provincial Human Resource Development Institute from October 20 to 30. 

With this latest program, the second since 2013 for Iraqi public officials, the group will learn a wide range of public administrative policies under such as titles as the ‘Infrastructure development strategy of Korea’, ‘Good governance and anti-corruption strategies’, ‘Public official leadership and dispute management strategies’, and ‘The road to an open government: digital government’. The group will also visit facilities relevant to the training program including the National Computing Information Service, the government complex in Sejong City, the 24-hour civil complaint center and 120 call center at the Gyeonggi Provincial Office, and the Anyang Traffic Information Center.

The Gyeonggi Provincial Human Resource Development Institute has been cooperating with KOICA to operate invitational training programs each year since 2010 for public officials from developing countries. The institute provided a program regarding Korea’s socio-economic development process for high ranking Peruvian public officials in March 2015, a human resource development program on infrastructure development for a KRG digital government for Iraqi officials in May 2015, and a public administration program for Haitian officials in August 2015. 

Gyeonggi Provincial Human Resource Development Institute Director Lee Hee-won said, “Since this is their second visit, we prepared the program so that the Iraqi public officials could learn and take back even more from their visit.” Director Lee also added, “I hope this training program serves as an opportunity to raise the reputation of both our country and our province in the international community.”

ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News | Choi Hyeon-ho
