General Statistics Office of Vietnam benchmarks Gyeonggi Province’s population statistics system

Createdd 2015-12-30 Hit 1242


Vietnamese delegation visits Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex on December 11; shares know-how on compiling statistics and generating information

◇ Gyeonggi Province Policy Planning and Budget Bureau Director General Lee Jae-cheol exchanges business cards with General Statistics Office of Vietnam Director General Nguyen Vic Lam at the Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex on December 11. ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News Heo Seon-ryang

Officials with the General Statistics Office of Vietnam (GSOV) visited Gyeonggi Province to benchmark its population statistics systems. 

On December 11, Gyeonggi Province held a conference with a Vietnamese delegation led by GSOV Director General Nguyen Vic Lam, GSOV officials, and experts from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to exchange information regarding Gyeonggi Province’s statistical systems at the Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex. 

UNFPA was established in 1969 to raise awareness of social, economic, and humanitarian aspects in population issues, and to provide population policy support to developing countries.

Vietnam currently has plans to construct to computerize its resident registration system. This visit was undertaken to benchmark the Korean database model, which has been recognized as a successful case among population statistics systems. 

Gyeonggi Province Policy Planning and Budget Bureau Director General Lee Jae-cheol said, “We conduct a population census every five years, and we had one this year. Gyeonggi Province conducts a census as part of the national survey undertaken every five years, and our team is very knowledgeable because of our participatiion in the census.” Director General Lee added, “We received ample support from the statistics office in Daejeon with regards to the construction of a comprehensive population database, but listening to a presentation on population censuses conducted locally is a meaningful experience as well. So it’s meaningful that the Vietnamese officials chose this year to visit.”

GSOV Director General Nguyen Vic Lam said, “The Vietnamese government assigned our statistics office a project to create a comprehensive database for Vietnam. More specifically, this project is about building a comprehensive population database.” Director General Nguyen continued, “We want to study your methods – from your resident registration system to your census – in order to build a comprehensive population information system.”

In a briefing, Gyeonggi Province Future Strategy Division Director Ahn Dong-gwang said, “Gyeonggi Province’s statistical operations are divided into five central government tasks and seven in-house tasks. The tasks conducted in conjunction with the central government pertain to the population census.” Director Ahn explained, “The central government and the statistics bureau make and execute plans in cities and counties across Gyeonggi Province. Therefore, it is difficult to maintain statistical operations if the statistics bureau and Gyeonggi Province are not in sync. There are seven tasks done in-house by the Gyeonggi Provincial Government which include services for Gyeonggi residents created and processed by each municipal government. 

During their visit, the delegation showed interest in statistical production systems including Gyeonggi Province’s population statistics system and the province’s statistics sharing system linked with the central government. 

The results of this visit are expected to be used when drafting the master plan for developing an electronic population statistics database in Vietnam. 

The delegation studied Gyeonggi Province’s know-how in statistics compilation and information generation, and visited the public service office responsible for the resident registration system in addition to the attached smart office. 

◇ On the morning of December 11, Gyeonggi Province hosted a Vietnamese delegation led by General Statistics Office of Vietnam Director General Nguyen Vic Lam, Statistics Office officials, and experts from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) who sought to benchmark Gyeonggi Province’s statistical systems and statistical operations. The Vietnamese delegation poses for a photo during their visit. ⓒ Gyeonggi Provincial Government 

◇ The Vietnamese delegation received a presentation on the role of the Gyeonggi Call Center from Gyeonggi Province’s Policy Planning and Budget Bureau Director General Lee Jae-cheol ⓒ Gyeonggi Provincial Government

ⓒ Gyeonggi G-News | Kim Jin-kyoung