“A quick and transparent response to the Zika virus”

Createdd 2016-02-23 Hit 1150


the morning of February 3, Governor Nam held an emergency response meeting and
gave instructions to operate a round-the-clock response system that includes
experts in the field

At 9:30am on February 3, Gyeonggi Province Governor Nam Kyung-pil
held an emergency response meeting on the Zika virus, which is known to cause
microcephaly in newborn babies. The Governor ordered a quick and transparent
response to the virus.
Gyeonggi Provincial Government

At 9:30am on February 3, Gyeonggi Province Governor Nam Kyung-pil held an
emergency response meeting on the Zika virus, which is known to cause
microcephaly in newborn babies. The Governor ordered a quick and transparent
response to the virus.

At the meeting, Governor Nam said, We must prepare an active, transparent, and fast
response system that can minimize anxiety among our people.
The Governor
We must operate a round-the-clock response system against the Zika virus
that includes experts in the field and is led by Social Integration Vice
Governor Lee Ki-woo and offer a swift response.

Governor Nam also stressed, Although were not at a level to be concerned, we must learn
from our response to MERS to offer proactive and rapid disease management so
that we can ensure that Gyeonggi residents do not feel any unnecessary fear or

An advisory board consisting of eight members including Social
Integration Vice Governor Lee Ki-woo along with specialists in infectious
diseases, personnel from the Gyeonggi Institute of Health and Environment as
well as from the Gyeonggi Infectious Disease Management Office is expected to
be formed and respond actively to the disease. Also, Gyeonggi Province will
create a rapid response team led by its Health Policy Division and establish a 24-hour
surveillance system.

Apart from this, Gyeonggi Province decided to operate a system through
which it can request rapid testing when suspected cases are found among inbound
travelers from Zika virus regions. It will enhance disinfection and fumigation efforts
during the winter season to reduce the number of White stripe forest mosquitos
(aedes albopictus) and other mosquitos that carry the disease.

Additionally, the provincial government will promote preventative
measures and personal guidelines for ordinary citizens including pregnant women
through public health centers.

Upon receiving news of the Zika virus, Gyeonggi Province provided
information on the symptoms of the virus to relevant organizations across all
cities and counties in Gyeonggi Province. It also distributed notice letters
regarding symptoms among overseas travelers.

Gyeonggi Province detected three suspected cases entering Korea from
regions with the Zika virus on February 3, and consequently requested support
from the National Institute of Health.

Gyeonggi G-News | Kim
Jin-kyoung jinkyoungkim@kg21.net
