Gyeonggi Youth Overseas Service “Climate Envoy” Launching Ceremony – Overseas Activities in August.

Createdd 2024-08-02 Hit 199


On August 2, Gyeonggi Province held the launching ceremony of the ‘Gyeonggi Youth Climate Envoy’ at the Gyeonggi Provincial Government.

The Gyeonggi Youth Climate Envoy is the new name of the Gyeonggi Youth Overseas Volunteer Program, which means sending a civilian mission for climate action to help solve climate disparities in developing countries.

From August 7 to August 28, the 120 volunteers recruited in July will be divided into six teams in three countries, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan, for about three weeks of overseas volunteer activities. The main activities will include tree planting, environmental maintenance, climate action campaigns, cultural exchanges, and various other volunteer activities and exchanges according to the local characteristics of each country.

Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon encouraged the members through a video message at the launching ceremony, saying, “Global cooperation and participation are necessary to respond to the climate crisis. Each and every action taken by the Climate Envoy, such as planting trees and improving the environment, will be an important step toward eliminating the global climate gap and planting the future.”