Yangpyeong Rice from Gyeonggi Province Enters U.S. This Year After Entering Australia Last Year

Createdd 2024-07-16 Hit 215


The Korea Gyeonggido Company (KGC) announced on July 16 that “Real Dream Rice from Clean Water Yangpyeong,” a high-quality rice variety from Gyeonggi Province, will enter the U.S. market through the 2024 Gyeonggi Province Small and Medium Business Marketing Support Project promoted by Gyeonggi Province.

The KGC announced on July 16 at the General Rice Processing Plant of the Agricultural Cooperative Federation Joint Venture Corporation in Yangpyeong County that it also held a shipping ceremony for export to the U.S. with Yangpyeong County Mayor Jeon Jin-sun, KGC Executive Director and Acting CEO Lee Seung-rok, and Yangpyeong Agricultural Cooperative Joint Business Corporation CEO Lee Jong-moon among others.

The total export amount of 4 tonnes (1,000 4-kg sachets) will be sold through H&Y MARKETPLACE in the United States from mid-August. As part of its marketing support program, KGC provides assistance with the overseas sale and marketing of Gyeonggi SME products. Of particular note, 4 tonnes of “Real Dream Rice from Clean Water Yangpyeong” were successfully exported to Australia last year.

KGC Acting CEO Lee Seung-Rok said, “We are pleased that Gyeonggi Province rice has been able to target overseas markets since last year, and that KGC has been able to support exports to overseas markets… We will continue to do our best to pioneer more overseas markets for our high-quality products.”