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  • No. 123 Investment Attraction A resident wants to use industrial land as investment in kind, and a foreign investor wants to use the

    If the resident is not conducting business:

    – there are no benefits regarding the deduction of transfer income tax, and also the
    transferee does not get any benefits regarding acquisition or registration tax.

    If the resident is in manufacturing, mining, or construction business fulfilling conditions pursuant to the Special Tax Treatment Control Law.

    – the transfer income tax is carried forward until transferring the real estate.
    – the acquisition and registration tax are exempted.

  • No. 122 Investment Attraction Where can the regulations of tax deduction for foreign-invested companies be found?

    The regulations were defined in FIPA, but due to amendments announced on May 24, 1999, only general principles of tax deduction are in FIPA. The details of tax deductions can be found in Art.121 of the Special Tax Treatment Control Act. 

  • No. 121 Investment Attraction How much tax needs to be paid when trading non-listed stocks among non-residents?

    The transferor has to pay transfer income tax (10% of transfer amount or 25% of transfer profit, whichever is smaller), inhabitant tax (10% of transfer income tax), and security transaction tax (0.5%).

    If the corporation issuing the shares is in possession of assets subject to taxation, and if the transferee acquires more than 51% of the shares, then 2% of acquisition tax will be levied.

    – Acquisition tax: price of real estate x equity ratio x tax rate (2%).
    Special tax for rural development 0.2% extra.
    If the transfer income tax for the transfer of shares is levied on the foreign investor in the country of residence, then there will be no tax levied in Korea.

  • No. 120 Investment Attraction A foreign investor makes an investment of over US$100 million and establishes a new factory. If the business is designated to a foreign investment zone, although it is not a high-tech business, is it possible to receive tax benefits?

    It is possible to receive tax deductions even if it not a high-tech business. The conditions are that the foreign investor has to invest more than the minimum amount of investment and get the permission for designation as a foreign-investment zone from the foreign investment commission and the governor from the province or city for the establishment of the factory. If the decision is positive, then the investor can receive tax benefits.For reference, the minimum investment amount for the manufacturing sector is US$30 million, for tourism and hotels US$20 million, for distribution and logistics US$10 million and for high-tech and R&D facilities US$50 million.

  • No. 119 Investment Attraction Is it possible to receive tax deduction when establishing a factory in high-tech business within a metropolitan overpopulation control area?

    It is possible to receive tax benefits for high-tech businesses regardless of their location. 

  • No. 118 Investment Attraction A foreign-invested company in high-tech business receives tax deduction for corporate tax from the year, when income is generated for the first time. In this sense, what does income mean? And when is the day of reckoning for income,

    Income as defined in tax laws is total profits minus total losses

    – this definition is similar to the calculation of net profit in accounting
    (net profit = income – cost)

    If losses accumulated over the years, then the tax deduction will start from the year when the first income is recorded (if there were no income for the past five years, then the first income is assumed to be in the fifth year). That does not mean that all the losses are preserved until the year when income is recorded.

  • No. 117 Investment Attraction What are the taxes and tax rates for local companies and branch offices?

    Generally, both local company and branch office have to pay corporate tax (15.27%), inhabitant tax (10% of corporate tax), and VAT (10%).From 2005, corporate tax will be reduced by 2%.For certain countries, such as France, Canada, and Australia, a branch office tax (5-15%) is levied under certain conditions.

  • No. 116 Investment Attraction Where to find tax agreements concluded with other countries?

    Tax agreements with other countries can be found on the National Tax Office homepage: 

  • No. 115 Investment Attraction Are there any incentives for a foreigner who wants to establish research facilities for R&D activities?

    The taxes for real estate such as land/ buildings are as follows:

    Acquisition of real estate

    – acquisition tax (2%)
    – special tax for rural development (10% of acquisition tax)
    – registration tax (3%),
    – education tax (20% of registration tax)
    – VAT for the building (10%); there is no VAT for land
    Owning real estate

    1. Land

    – comprehensive land tax (0.3-5%)
    – tax for rural development (10-15% of the comprehensive land tax)
    – education tax (20% of the comprehensive land tax)
    – urban planning tax (0.2%)

    2. Building

    – property tax (0.3-7%, for general buildings 0.3%)
    – education tax (20% of property tax)
    – community facility tax (0.06-0.16%)
    – urban planning tax (0.2%)
    – business place tax (250won/1m?ø, excluding places with less than 330m?ø)

    Lease and sale of real estate

    1. Individual investors

    – income tax (9-36%)
    – inhabitant tax (10% of income tax)
    – VAT (10%)

    2. Corporations

    – corporate tax (15-27%)
    – inhabitant tax (10% of corporate tax)
    – VAT (10%)

    There are no tax deductions for acquisition of land for foreigners. However, part of local tax will be deducted, if land is acquired by a foreign-invested company to conduct business, which is subject to tax deduction. 

  • No. 114 Investment Attraction Are there any incentives for a foreigner who wants to establish research facilities for R&D activities?

    If establishing new or additional research facilities for R&D activities of high technology for industrial-supporting service, with an investment of more than US$5 million as well as designated as a foreign investment zone with more than 10 employees having more than three years experience with at least a Master’s degree, then tax deduction of 100% for 7 (5) years and 50% for 3 (2) years in terms of corporate tax are given to the share of foreign investment.

    – The figures in parentheses are applicable from 2005.
    For domestic and not foreign shares, 7% of the cost for research activities and facilities are subject to tax deduction (corporate tax) pursuant to Art. 11 of the Special Tax Treatment Control Law. Article 10 of the same law stipulates that a system exists where a certain amount of tax is deducted for research and HR cost, regardless of the investment being foreign or Korean.

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