Gyeonggi Future Education Paju Campus Hosts SNS Photo Contest

Createdd 2019-09-23 Hit 541


○ Held from September 20 to November 30 and open to all people and photos of all types
○ All participants to receive English musical tickets

The Gyeonggi Future Education Paju Campus of the Gyeonggi Do Provincial Institute for Lifelong Learning (GILL) announced on September 20 that it is hosting the “Finding Hidden Scenic Spots” SNS photo contest from September 20 to November 30.

The contest accepts any photos that feature the striking scenery of the Gyeonggi Future Education Paju Campus. As the contest is open to all people and photos of all types, anyone can participate. Those who want to enter the contest need to upload relevant photos to their personal SNS accounts with the required hashtags and submit the account addresses via the Gyeonggi Future Education Paju Campus Kakao Plus Friend page (

The application period runs from September 20 to November 30; each entrant can submit several photos, but only one prize will be awarded per entrant. All participants will receive tickets to English musicals staged at the Gyeonggi Future Education Paju Campus. The winners will receive KRW 1 million (1 person), KRW 500,000 (2 people), and KRW 100,000 (10 people), respectively.

Detailed information can be found on the Gyeonggi Future Education Paju Campus website (

GILL President Han Seon-jae emphasized the significance of the contest, saying: “The contest is geared to reveal the hidden scenic spots of the Gyeonggi Future Education Paju Campus among local residents and to represent the future of the region’s education using photographs as a medium. I will do my utmost to make the Gyeonggi Future Education Paju Campus a center of future-oriented education in Korea.”