Supporting G Mark to a National Brand
Createdd 2003-07-14 Hit 6098
On the 14th, Gyeonggi-do decided to open the scheme conference of the farm and special products integrate brand (G mark), and to reflect its nature to the task aggressively, and also it decided to provide marketing support and incentives of the G mark products, to make G mark the best brand throughout the country.
At the conference, a discussion on standardizing general farm production quality, certification standards, future management and safety measurements for certified products, G-mark farm producer’s experiences (careers), livestock products butchery facilities etc. and other quality citation standards were discussed to make difference between G mark and general farm produce, and to set concrete model to make G mark to be recognized as the product which has the best quality.
G mark is certified to organically cultivated or chemical-free products according to the agriculture products integrated brand management regulations and the agriculture products quality management regulations of the National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service Center, which are environment-friendly, and the most qualified products, by the governor of Gyeonggi-do.
Since now, Gyeonggi-do is managing vegetables, grains, mushrooms among which are nine environment-friendly products, seven traditional products among regional specialties, such as kimchi and also, 36 farm produce such as rice, pears totaling up to 52 products. These products are sent to the department stores and discount stores all over the country making the product distinctive from other products because of the G mark certification.