Hankook Chinaware, Winner for Five Years Straight
Createdd 2003-10-16 Hit 6422
* 2003 KS Award Enterprise / Chosen by the Korean Standards Association
* Under the theme ‘Presenting the World of Korea’s Excellent Products’, the Korean Standards Association announced the results of the ‘Korea Service Grand Prix 2003’ at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Seoul on Oct. 14.
The ‘KS Mark’ is granted to companies, which satisfies the standards of the Korean Standards Association. These companies are recognized for their quality level and product recognition and to promote the superior products of Korea awards are granted every year since 1999.
The evaluation standards for the ‘KS Mark’ are divided into 5 parts, marketability (300 points), technology (200), customer satisfactory (200), KS interests (200) and brand power (100), which sums up to 1000 points. Products evaluated over 700 points are chosen as candidates and then the finalities are chosen after a thorough field inspection.
This year’s winners are 13 companies including SK Corporation.
Four grand prizewinners including Saturn Bath was chosen and Sunjin Industry and Donga Special Chemical was each awarded in design and customer satisfaction.
Ace Bed and Hankook Chinaware was honored by being awarded for 5 years straight and Bubang Techron has proved its excellency in its products by being awarded for the 4th time.
Also Koturami Gas Boiler and Koturami Boiler has been chosen for the fourth time as the number one boiler manufacturer and Donga Special Chemical was rewarded for customer satisfactory award for the last 3 years.
Korea Flange, Hanil Cement, Isu Chemical, NTEC, Livart and other companies are the first in their industry to be awarded as KS mark enterprises.
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Source : Maeil Business Newspaper, October 14, 2003